
Big Brother update: Nicole Anthony has an announcement to make

Nicole On BB21
Nicole Anthony was a fan-favorite on BB21 cast. Pic credit: CBS

A Big Brother update from Nicole Anthony is going to be posted on social media soon. She has an announcement to make it is something that has a lot of fans buzzing.

Nicole was a member of the Big Brother 21 cast and she ended up finishing in third place. She made it all the way to the final three, but the showmance of Holly Allen and Jackson Michie was too tough for her to overcome.

During the season finale, Nicole was named America’s Favorite Houseguest, showing that a lot of viewers really enjoyed watching her on the show. Since then, Nicole has become a bit of a force on social media and in the world of podcasts.

Recently, a post that she made on her Twitter account led to some rumors that she might be taking part in Big Brother All-Stars this summer. Then, a page set up by TV guide showed her as a member of the BB All-Stars 2 cast.

Nicole reveals that she has an announcement to make

In a Twitter post telling her fans that she loves them, Nicole wrote: “I will be making an official announcement to end the speculation soon. I’m just waiting for permission to post it.”

Now, on the surface, it seems to be that she is referencing the Big Brother rumors about her being on the BB All-Stars cast, but that may be a red herring in order to get people to tune in.

But wouldn’t it be cool if she was tabbed by CBS and the Big Brother production team to help announce the people who are on the cast, even if she isn’t one of them? Okay, that’s probably reading too much into things, but it will still be very interesting to see and hear what Nicole has to say in the next few days.

Her full Twitter post is shared below:

Nicole Anthony Twitter
Nicole from BB21 has an announcement. Pic credit: @Strongislandni2/Twitter

Big Brother update: Live move-in!

CBS just made a big announcement of its own, as the BB22 cast is going to move into the house on live television. The live move-in was just revealed and it is going to add a new wrinkle to how this season works.

This all makes it possible that fans might not find out the official cast list until host Julie Chen tells the CBS audience on August 5. That’s not exactly a bad thing, but it will require some patience from a very rabid fan base.

Big Brother returns on August 5 at 9/8c on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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