Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds have made it clear who is getting evicted from the house this week.
Tiffany Mitchell became the Head of Household again after winning an Endurance Challenge, and it gave her a shot to keep working with Claire Rehfuss for another week.
During the last episode of Big Brother, Tiffany was shown putting her plan in motion, with Alyssa Lopez and Xavier Prather getting put on the block.
But then Alyssa won the Power of Veto. That put a wrench in things and it led to a situation where Tiffany actually worked on having Alyssa use the POV to save Xavier.
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Even though there is going to be chatter shown during Episode 27 that might hint at a surprising outcome, this isn’t the week that The Cookout alliance is going to implode.
At the first September 9 Eviction Ceremony, Claire Rehfuss is getting voted out of the game. She played a good game this summer, but when Tiffany put Claire on the block after Alyssa saved herself, it sealed Claire’s fate.
Some people are planning to give Claire a sympathy vote here, so it’s definitely possible that the voting could get interesting for the television audience when Julie Chen Moonves reads it off. But the plan is that it will either be a 4-1 or 3-2 vote to evict Claire.
Drama in the Big Brother house and future show footage
Some interesting moments happened on the Big Brother live feeds that are likely to become segments of future episodes.
After Alyssa won the Power of Veto, Big Brother live feed viewers watched as Tiffany Mitchell told Claire Rehfuss about protecting The Cookout. It was a very difficult moment to watch for anyone who had hoped that Claire was going to pull off a surprise win this summer, but she seemed to take the news in a very classy way.
Online viewers also saw Tiffany and Kyland Young spend the night together in the HOH Room. It immediately led to a lot of rumors that a showmance was developing between the two BB23 cast members, while also possibly showing why Tiffany was always so frustrated by the time that Kyland had been spending with Sarah Beth Steagall.
Looking forward, the Big Brother TV schedule has some interesting moments to present, including the two Double Evictions that are coming up. Those evictions will take us very close to learning who becomes the Big Brother 23 winner later this month. But to get there, members of The Cookout will have to be sent packing.
The $750,000 prize that is on the line this summer will be a nice one for someone to take home. Second place has also been increased to $75,000 and we will get to see who America has chosen as their favorite houseguest. Make sure not to miss a moment of the BB23 cast working toward making show history.
Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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there is no use watching the show with “The cookout alliance”. Its just not fun to watch. Maybe when they start voting off alliance members it will be better——-but they lost me. I gave up watching the show.
Agree..disgusting to watch
I hope the next Big Brother is different. Some how they can”t have a group of people all together like that. I agree it”s no fun to watch.