
Big Brother spoilers: Huge punishment about to begin on BB23

Kyland And SB BB23
Kyland and Sarah Beth are the current HOH on Big Brother 23. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds reveal that a 24-hour punishment is about to begin for one of the BB23 cast members. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out because other houseguests have some plans to strategize as soon as it begins.

This goes back to the Veto Competition of the week, where punishments and rewards appear to have been a part of things again. We will find out the exact details during the August 25 episode of Big Brother 23, but one houseguest, in particular, is experiencing a number of consequences.

Xavier Prather won the Power of Veto this week. It was a big deal for him because he had just been placed on the block by the roulette wheel. Xavier also incurred three punishments during his POV win, setting the stage for him to be at a huge disadvantage in the coming week.

But of particular interest in the 24-hour Solitary Confinement that Xavier is about to go through. This will take him away from the rest of the BB23 cast for the 24 hours that lead up to the next Eviction Ceremony.

Big Brother spoilers: Xavier begins Solitary Confinement

In the early evening hours of Wednesday, August 25, Xavier will begin 24 hours of separation from the rest of the BB23 cast. He will be locked in a room away from the rest of the houseguests and forced to stay there until he emerges to place his vote in the upcoming Eviction Ceremony.

This is where things could get potentially exciting on the Big Brother live feeds, as a number of houseguests are going to try to flip the vote.

Could the eviction vote get flipped on Big Brother 23?

Derek Xiao and Claire Rehfuss are the two nominees for eviction this week. For much of the week that Sarah Beth Steagall has been the Head of Household, Derek X was doomed. But there is sentiment in the house that some key members of The Cookout would like to keep Derek X around.

Tiffany Mitchell doesn’t want Sarah Beth to get credit for getting Derek X out of the game, and Hannah Chaddha wants to keep her buddy around a bit longer. At the same time, the ladies are convinced that Xavier would keep things the way that they are and make sure it is Derek X getting sent to the jury house next.

Maybe nothing will come of it. Maybe this will be a situation where Derek Xiao still becomes the second member of the BB23 jury. At the same time, though, if Hannah and Tiffany push hard to save Derek X while Xavier is out of the game for 24 hours, he could start distrusting them a lot when he returns.

Stay tuned folks, because we may finally get some real drama on the feeds again. This is the type of thing that becomes important with a possible Triple Eviction looming on the Big Brother schedule.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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