
Big Brother recap: A house fire, an injured BB23 cast member, and an eviction

A BB23 Fire
There was a fire in the oven on a new episode of Big Brother 23. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 23, Episode 25 aired tonight and there was a lot of ground to cover after a busy week inside the house.

Tiffany Mitchell had started out as the Head of Household, but she was overthrown when Claire Rehfuss won the Coin of Destiny.

The nominees for the week ended up being Sarah Beth Steagall, Kyland Young, and Xavier Prather. Xavier was the third nominee due to a previous punishment he got while winning a Power of Veto.

Hannah Chaddha won the Power of Veto and saved Xavier from the block. It left Sarah Beth and Kyland up for eviction.

Big Brother 23, Episode 25 recap

The episode really began with Hannah Chaddha speaking in a Diary Room session about how she was content with her choice to take Xavier Prather off the block.

Tiffany had her own DR session where she expressed frustration that Kyland had tried to get Hannah to take him off the block.

And when Claire had her turn, she spoke about being very pleased with the way that her week as the Head of Household had gone.

Alyssa Lopez and Claire were then shown starting to figure out that there was a major alliance in place. The talk happened with Xavier right there. He later talked to himself in front of the camera about how bad it was that Alyssa had pointed out that Claire was the “last white person” in the house. It might have made Alyssa the target for next week.

A Big Brother house on fire and an injured houseguest

A tense situation was then shown in the backyard, where Hannah fell off a hammock after Derek Frazier jumped off of it. She hit her head and wrist on the wood that was holding it up. He had jumped off to escape a beetle flying toward him.

As Xavier ran out to see what was going on, he left a pan on the stove and food in the oven. The food in the oven caught fire and Azah had to use a fire extinguisher to put it out. It was a very tense situation in the house.

The Cookout makes it official

A segment was shown where The Cookout alliance made everything official. They got together in the bathroom and did a cheer for the first time. Here is some video and photos from the event.

A BB23 jury segment

The BB23 jury house was finally shown, with Britini D’Angelo saying hello and welcoming the second member. That was when Derek Xiao walked in the front door and surprised a very shocked Britini. They then spoke a bit about what they did wrong this season and discussed how there was definitely a larger alliance in the game.

Derek mentioned the goodbye message that Kyland left him about a larger alliance that he was a part of this summer. Together, the duo started piecing together who is in The Cookout, although they still don’t know the name of that alliance.

Big Brother Eviction Ceremony – Sarah Beth or Kyland

Sarah Beth and Kyland spoke about why they should remain in the game and it was then time for the rest of the Big Brother 23 cast to vote on who would be going to the jury house next.

Derek Frazier voted for Sarah Beth, Claire Rehfuss voted for Sarah Beth (only counted if a tie), Alyssa Lopez voted for Sarah Beth, Tiffany Mitchell voted for Kyland (to give Sarah Beth a sympathy vote), Azah Awasum voted for Sarah Beth, Hannah Chaddha voted for Sarah Beth, and Xavier Prather also voted for Sarah Beth.

By a vote of 5-1, Sarah Beth Steagall was evicted from the Big Brother house.

Sarah Beth met briefly with Julie Chen Moonves, but an extended interview will come out at some point over the weekend. She will have a lot to chat about with Derek X and Britini when she gets to the jury house.

Time for a new Big Brother Head of Household

An Endurance Challenge will decide the new HOH, so we didn’t get to learn who was in power at the end of the episode. We have a live blog here for anyone who wants those Big Brother spoilers. The information will be coming out through the Big Brother live feeds.

Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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