
Big Brother recap: America gives BB23 cast money, secret room opens

Claire and Sarah Beth BB23
Claire Rehfuss and Sarah Beth Steagall are members of the Big Brother 23 cast. Pic credit: CBS

The new episode of Big Brother started with a recap of the week where Derek Xiao was in charge of the house. He succeeded in backdooring Christian Birkenberger and the house sent Christian home on a 7-2 vote.

No Head of Household was decided during the last episode of Big Brother, with time running out for that to happen. It meant that this new episode would cover the HOH Competition that took place after the show and then dive into information about the new secret room.

As a reminder, the High Roller’s Room was introduced by host Julie Chen Moonves, who said games could be played that would lead to powers being released.

After that last episode, fans were also allowed to vote on who should receive BB Bucks that could then be used to play those games. The top vote-getters would receive the most money during the first America’s Vote of the summer.

Big Brother recap: A new HOH is crowned

For the Head of Household Competition, the houseguests competed head-to-head in identifying previous competitions this season as someone sang about them. Answering correctly meant moving on and choosing the next two people to compete. Answering incorrectly meant being eliminated. As the outgoing HOH, Derek Xiao couldn’t play.

Britini D’Angelo and Claire Rehfuss were up first. Britini eliminated Claire and picked Sarah Beth Steagall and Kyland Young to play next.

Kyland eliminated Sarah Beth and picked Britini and Azah Awasum to play next.

Azah beat Britini and then picked Kyland and Alyssa Lopez to play next.

Kyland eliminated Alyssa and he picked Azah and Derek Frazier to play next.

Azah beat Derek F and then she picked Tiffany Mitchell and Hannah Chaddha to play against each other.

Tiffany beat Hannah and she picked Azah and Kyland to play. Right before that, Azah asked him to let her win.

Kyland beat Azah and that left Xavier Prather and Tiffany to play against each other. Azah was not pleased that Kyland didn’t throw the competition.

Tiffany beat Xavier and that meant that Tiffany and Kyland would be battling it out for Head of Household. Xavier later said that he threw the challenge to Tiffany.

Kyland tried to throw the competition to Tiffany, but Tiffany couldn’t figure out the answer. Kyland ended up winning Head of Household by default.

Kyland’s nominations on Big Brother 23

While trying to figure out what he was going to do in regard to nominations, Kyland met with Derek F and they agreed that Derek F could go up on the block as a pawn. Derek F agreed to this in order to make sure that Azah and Britini stayed off the block at the Nomination Ceremony. It was a risky move, but also a way for Kyland to continue hiding The Cookout.

At the Nomination Ceremony, Kyland Young nominated Derek Frazier and Claire Rehfuss. Derek F tried to play it off like he was at odds with Kyland now and Claire was caught off-guard by her former teammate putting her on the block. Azah and Britini looked very shocked at the Nomination Ceremony.

Details for the High Roller’s Room

The houseguests were taught the rules of the three games in the High Roller’s Room and it led to a lot of interesting scenarios about how money could be used. Houseguests were allowed to save up their money and not play yet, and since the most that someone received during the week was $100 through America’s Vote, it meant only one game could be played this time.

Three people received $100 from America, three people got $75 from America, and everyone else got $50. Before they found out how much money they got, the houseguests learned how much each game would cost and what they could win.

$50 could be used to possibly win a second Power of Veto.

$125 could be used to replace a nominee. The user could take someone off the block and spin the roulette wheel to decide the new nominee.

$250 could be used to flip a coin to possibly overthrow the HOH. It could be a huge way to take over power in the house.

Sarah Beth got $50 (BB Bucks) from America and she spent it on the Veto Derby. She then played a game of sliding three mint juleps down a shuffleboard course. This was to get a score, with the highest score among players then getting to pick first in betting on who would win the Veto Competition. If the better picked the correct POV winner, they would then earn the second Power of Veto.

Hannah got $75 and saved it, Xavier got $75 and saved it, Britini got $100 and saved it, Azah got $50 and saved it, Alyssa got $50 and saved it, and Kyland received $50 and decided to play in the Veto Derby.

Tiffany got $75 and paid $50 to play in the Veto Derby.

Derek Xiao got $100 and saved it.

Derek Frazier also got $100 and he played in the Veto Derby.

Claire got $50 and also played in the Veto Derby.

To summarize, Kyland, Tiffany, Derek Frazier, and Claire were the four people who spent $50 to play in the Veto Derby.

Kyland got the best score, Derek F finished in second place, Claire was third, and Sarah Beth was fourth. Tiffany ended up losing all of her points and didn’t place. During the next episode of the show, viewers will learn who these four people picked to win the Week 6 Veto Competition.

That brings an end to the Big Brother 23, Episode 17 recap.

For readers who want to jump ahead, here are some Big Brother spoilers on who won the Power of Veto and who won the special power released to the BB23 cast this past weekend.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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