
Big Brother: Derek Frazier feud with Whitney Williams blows up as they argue over hurt feelings and apologies

Whitney On BB23 Couch
Whitney Williams was part of the Big Brother 23 cast in Summer 2021. Pic credit: CBS

Derek Frazier and Whitney Williams were both members of the Big Brother 23 cast, but they definitely aren’t on the same page now that the season has come to an end.

When Whitney was still in the Big Brother house, she was wearing a workout top that Derek made fun of and that he continued to talk about after she was out of the game. He even called her out about her outfit choices to the rest of the BB23 cast. Whitney was not pleased about it.

“Derek F was incredibly disrespectful toward everybody, specifically women,” Whitney said when she was interviewed for The Winner’s Circle on YouTube.

She went on to say that he talked badly about Tiffany Mitchell behind her back (he called her a b****), that he is entitled, that he has “the wrong idea of women,” and that she “hates” the fact that he won $75,000 for finishing in second place.

Whitney Williams and Derek Frazier feuding on social media

Once Derek F left the Big Brother house, he got back on social media and jumped in feet first when it came to creating some drama. As a point of reference, below is a post from a Big Brother fan that showed Whitney’s workout outfit that Derek F couldn’t stop talking about.

Below is a post that Derek F made in regard to Whitney’s interview when he saw it.

A Big Brother fan responded very quickly to the post that Derek F made, defending Whitney and pointing out the interesting way that Derek F had decided to address the situation.

“responding to a woman calling you out for your woman hatred with more woman hatred…classic df! #bb23,” the Big Brother fan wrote.

Whitney About DF BB23
A Big Brother fan defends Whitney. Pic credit: @hoetev_/Twitter

Later, Derek Frazier took to social media to share that he had given some apologies to some members of the BB23 cast.

“Hey everyone I gave my apologies to individuals that I felt I owed an apology too. Love my cookout family!” Derek wrote

That wasn’t quite enough for some Big Brother fans, who felt that it wasn’t how apologies should work.

A lot of other Big Brother fans have posted on social media that his apologies have not yet gone far enough and that he needs to include Whitney among them. Below is that infamous clip of the outfit that Whitney was wearing that Derek would later continue railing against.

“Would you let your kids read this comic book? Look at it. Their husband comes home with this comic book, for the kids. Or for himself,” Derek said on the episode that featured BB Comics.

Big Brother 24 and Celebrity Big Brother 3 coming

The Big Brother 24 season is already accepting applications for people who want to try to play the game during Summer 2022. A whole new group of houseguests will get a shot at the big cash prize and host Julie Chen Moonves will be back for more.

But before the BB24 cast even gets announced, CBS viewers get to enjoy Celebrity Big Brother 3 this winter. Celebrities who think they have what it takes to compete on the show will be spending time in the Big Brother house in early 2022. We should soon start hearing more rumors about the BB Celeb 3 cast.

Celebrity Big Brother airs on CBS in Winter 2022.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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Maggie Lindsey
Maggie Lindsey
2 years ago

I am so surprised that a son of a very fit, athletic, boxing champion would be so over weight & out of shape. That’s not a good look for a icon of the boxing rings son. All Derek F did on BB was eat, sleep and degrade the other players. Saying he was a boxer, I doubt he could punch his way out of a paper bag. A spoiled, over weight, fat bully. The guy needs to get in shape, to be a better representative of a former boxing legend.

2 years ago

yeah nice he apologized to who he felt was due one and adds – love my cookout family. Is peanut brain inferring that she aint gettin no apology cos shes white ? ? ? Whitney should sue CBS for making her comic about her workout top ! Fer reals !