
Big Brother 26 spoilers: ‘The spirit of dumb has taken over’

Chelsie Grumpy BB26
Chelsie Baham is getting fed up with some cast members on Big Brother 26. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 26 spoilers coming from the Live Feeds have revealed some dramatic gameplay over the past 24 hours.

Viewers saw Kenney Kelley evicted on a 10-1 vote during the last episode, but much has happened with the BB26 cast since then.

Angela Murray won the Week 4 Head of Household Competition. This is the second time (already) she has been HOH this summer.

By becoming HOH, it also means that Angela has made it to at least Week 5 of the season.

That’s going to frustrate the fans who wanted to see her sent home during Week 2. But she has persisted and remains in the game.

Quinn Martin used his “secret” power to overthrow Angela’s nominations, meaning the people on the block were the houseguests he selected.

Quinn’s nominees and fallout on the Live Feeds

Tucker Des Lauriers, Makensy Manbeck, and Cedric Hodges were nominated for eviction.

Cedric volunteered to take a spot on the block, making the move easier on Quinn.

But Tucker got upset, especially after Quinn held meetings with every houseguest ahead of using his power. He even wore a suit while talking game.

From the retelling of several houseguests, Tucker went after Quinn, calling him a liar and driving him to tears. The Live Feeds didn’t show the dust-up, but it should be part of the Sunday night episode (August 11).

With Quinn and Tucker at odds, it led to some intense conversations throughout the day on Friday (August 9).

Makensy campaigns for safety already?

Makensy is worried about becoming the target if Tucker wins the Veto Competition or if she loses the AI Arena Challenge. This led to her trying to chat up Chelsie Baham as Chelsie was trying to go to bed.

Chelsie was not pleased about the conversation, and when it ended, she spoke to the Live Feeds about what had happened. It was similar to a fourth wall break from a Deadpool film.

After speaking about how odd she felt that it was for Makensy to ask for her vote before the Veto Competition and before they even knew who was playing in the AI Arena Challenge, Chelsie had some gold for the camera.

“The spirit of dumb has taken over [the house],” Chelsie told the live feed cameras.

It’s unlikely that Chelsie wants to support Makensy after the former volleyball player tried to be the only woman in an all-guy alliance.

The BB26 house prepares for the Week 4 Veto Competition

It hasn’t made it to the episodes yet, but Tucker and Rubina Bernabe have begun a showmance. The duo has also been spotted canoodling, and Kimo Apaka was one houseguest who saw it.

Kimo spread the news and Tucker became a target, which is why he was so nervous during the August 8 eviction episode.

Due to her proximity to Tucker, Rubina has become the possible replacement nominee after the Veto Competition. The only route for the duo to be completely safe is for Rubina to win the Power of Veto and save Tucker from the block.

Elsewhere, many BB fans claimed Tucker won a rigged challenge.

Don’t miss the upcoming episodes, and here is the BB26 August schedule for anyone who needs it.

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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26 days ago

I believe that this season is rigged by the producers. Angela is the producers plant could even win if that happens then it is clear that she was planted. Stopped watching the season after the hateful things Angela said about Matt. And Angela says she is a mother (geez) . I follow by the post on here. I hope that next year is a better show