
Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto plan, lines drawn

Julie Chen smiling at the camera.
Julie Chen Moonves will soon send someone home from Big Brother 26. Pic credit: Aimee Santos and Gaye Ann Bruno/CBS

The Big Brother 25 live feeds have revealed much over the past two days.

After Izzy Gleicher got evicted, the house became pretty chaotic.

Late Thursday night (September 14), Jared Fields won the Endurance Challenge.

This incarnation of the Wall Competition was lacking for long-time Big Brother fans.

Ten people took part in the challenge. And it was over in less than an hour.

Gone are the days when people competed for hours on the wall to secure power in the house.

Who got nominated for eviction?

Jared Fields won the Endurance Challenge, but it was pretty clear that Bowie Jane lost on purpose.

While chatting with Jared later, she admitted not wanting to become the HOH.

Bowie Jane seems to avoid big decisions like putting people on the block.

Jared had his nominations ready based on a plan he put together last week.

And the big fight between Jared and Cory Wurtenberger on eviction night made his decision easier.

Jared nominated Cory and America Lopez for eviction. He then warned them about picking Cameron Hardin to play in the Veto Competition.

Jared made it known that he wanted to backdoor Cameron.

Who is playing for the Power of Veto, and what is the plan?

Players for the Veto Competition were selected on Saturday morning (September 16).

Jared, America, and Cory selected the people who would join them. And it has led to an intriguing roster.

Jag Bains, Bowie Jane, and Cameron Hardin also get to play in the Week 7 Veto Competition.

Jared has instructed America and Cory to win the Power of Veto. He then plans to name Cameron as the replacement nominee. Jared had hoped Cirie Fields, Felicia Cannon, and Mecole Hayes would be the other players.

Control is out of Jared’s hands now, and if Cameron or Bowie Jane win the POV, they will likely leave nominees the same.

The Veto Competition is scheduled for later on Saturday, with a lot on the line ahead of the Double Eviction.

Should Jared, America, or Cory win the POV, Cameron goes on the block and out the door. That’s probably also the case if Jag wins.

If Bowie Jane or Cameron wins the POV, the Big Brother live feeds become chaotic again.

More spoilers from Big Brother 25

A new two-person alliance was formed between Felicia Cannon and Mecole Hayes. The ladies discovered that Jared and Cirie would not take them to the final two.

Outside the house, Red Utley called the season “rigged” for Cirie to win.

CBS has shifted days and nights for new episodes. Here is a link to the updated Big Brother schedule.

Big Brother 25 airs on CBS.

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