
Big Brother 24 spoilers: What will happen at Veto Meeting?

Julie Big Brother Flowers
Summer 2024 brings back Julie Chan Moonves to host Big Brother 26. Pic credit: ©

Big Brother 24 spoilers from Saturday have been all about the early-morning Veto Competition and what the HOH might end up doing during the Monday Veto Meeting.

Early on September 10, the final five houseguests were awoken from their beds to play in an important Veto Competition, but some drama surfaced when one of them got disqualified for not making it to the backyard in time.

Taking a quick step back from there, Monte Taylor is the new Head of Household after winning a late-night HOH Competition.

With very few options to choose from, Monte then nominated Brittany Hoopes and Alyssa Snider for eviction. This set up the scenario where Matt Turner and Taylor Hale would be the only two votes for the week.

On Saturday morning, things got really chaotic on the Big Brother live feeds, with the houseguests forced to play in a competition shortly after 5 a.m. house time.

Now, there could be some fireworks at the upcoming Veto Meeting, and it certainly looks like a segment will be filmed that won’t even be shown until the eviction episode on September 15.

Power of Veto winner creates fallout

Brittany won the Power of Veto and she is going to use it to save herself at the Veto Meeting that will take place on September 12. This will force Monte to put either Taylor or Turner on the block next to Alyssa.

Monte has been having a lot of chats, and it looks like he has formulated a plan and that it is becoming clear who he wants to finish in fifth place. But there have been a lot of conversations (and there will be many more) that might make him change his mind.

Veto Meeting plans for Monte?

It looks like Monte is going to protect Turner so that Turner can possibly protect Monte next week. Monte is very worried about not being able to play in the next Head of Household Competition, and he isn’t convinced any of the women have his back.

At the moment, it appears that Taylor will be the replacement nominee and that the plan is to vote Alyssa out of the house. Only Brittany and Turner would have votes in that scenario, and a 1-1 tie would be broken by Monte.

But Alyssa is pushing Monte very hard to keep her, and Monte doesn’t appear completely convinced that Taylor is on his side. If Brittany continues to combust, she might just take Taylor down with her.

For any Big Brother fans who missed them, Michael Bruner took part in a number of exit interviews after he got sent to the jury house during Double Eviction night. Terrance Higgins also has some interviews here.

Big Brother 24 airs on CBS during Summer 2022.

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