A Big Brother 22 spin-off is coming from CBS that is called BB Rewind. It will serve as a companion show to the reality competition, giving fans a weekly update on things.
CBS just revealed some details about BB Rewind, and it could be a good way for viewers to catch up if they miss an episode or two of BB22 along the way. It could also provide some behind-the-scenes input.
Once the Big Brother 22 schedule smooths out a bit, we are going to start seeing fresh episodes of BB Rewind debut.
What is BB Rewind?
According to CBS, BB Rewind is going to be a Big Brother recap show that airs each week. Keshia Chantè will host the show and include special guests.
The most significant aspect of BB Rewind is that it is going to be where viewers can watch exclusive eviction interviews. Members of the Big Brother All-Stars 2 cast will be featured once they leave the house.
Keshia Chantè is a singer, songwriter, actress, and TV personality from Canada who might be new to the world of Big Brother fandom.
She shared a quick video we posted below where she spoke briefly about the big news:
? Big, big, big news! I will be hosting BB Rewind every week on the Big Brother Facebook page! I'll be chatting with special guests and talking about all things Big Brother: All-Stars related every week! https://t.co/X4pQUaMUcT #BB22 @CBSBigBrother pic.twitter.com/SJsboLHCxx
— Keshia Chanté (@KeshiaChante) August 7, 2020
When are BB Rewind episodes?
A new episode of BB Rewind will air each week after the live eviction night on CBS. The network says it will take place “a day or two after live eviction night,” so that would mean a new video should show up on Friday or Saturday each week.
The press release also states that there is going to be a debut episode released this week that includes a special guest and goes over the BB22 cast reveal.
BB Rewind guest stars
It’s unclear who will serve as the guest stars each week on BB Rewind, but it might be safe to assume that they will have something to do with the world of Big Brother.
There are a lot of former houseguests and famous fans who would serve as great guest stars, especially when it comes to commentary about the show.
Where do you watch BB Rewind?
The Big Brother Facebook Watch page is going to serve as the primary location for each of the new videos, and that will allow Facebook users to set up notification alerts when episodes debut.
There is going to be a lot of ground to cover each week on BB Rewind, which is especially the case during Week 1, with the BB22 cast going through a Safety Competition.
Big Brother 22 returns August 9 at 10/9c on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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