Big Brother 23 presents an interesting group of people playing the game for the first time. When the BB23 cast was revealed, one player that really stood out was Brandon “Frenchie” French.
Frenchie had some very humorous responses to questions that were posed to each of the new houseguests. One of those questions asked them to name their favorite duo from a past Big Brother season.
“Definitely Britney Haynes and Rachel’s hair extensions!” Frenchie wrote as his answer, showing that he has been watching the show for a while and enjoys the humor that can come with it.
And if a new houseguest loves the raw and exaggerated humor that Britney made famous in her Diary Room sessions, then that person will get along very well with the viewers at home.
Is it too early to pick a nominee as America’s Favorite Houseguest? Probably. But this guy might have what it takes to leave the show with a huge fan following.
Who is Brandon ‘Frenchie’ French on Big Brother 23 cast?
Frenchie — we will call him that since Big Brother is really pushing the nickname this season — is a 34-year-old farmer from Tennessee. Some of his favorite things are fishing, playing with the baby animals, and grilling out. He also noted that he enjoys doing “yes” days with the kids.
“Living out my dream of being here. I learned life is way too short with the passing of my son, so just being able to live out this dream. I’m here to WIN, not to get famous!” was the answer Frenchie gave when he was asked what he was most excited about living inside the Big Brother house.
“Building relationships with everyone, not just your alliance. Being a farmer, no two days are the same. You never know what to expect. I always have to evolve and change gameplans on a daily basis, and I have got really good at it. Set strategies are overrated and crumble, so my lifestyle fits perfect with the Big Brother house,” Frenchie stated when asked to share his BB23 strategy.
Oh. And as for the comment about Britney Haynes and Rachel Reilly, below is a clip that shows exactly what Frenchie was referencing. It is a moment from Big Brother 12 that fans still talk about.
Big Brother 23 to be packed with surprises and twists
Frenchie and Big Brother fans are definitely going to be surprised with the BB23 team twist gets revealed during the season premiere. For the first portion of the season, the new cast is going to be playing in teams. It’s something that will definitely impact the game and present an interesting wrinkle to the summer 2021 season.
The show producers also revealed that a huge twist is coming at the end of the first episode. It’s something that could impact more than one person, and it is going to play right into a night of casino gaming in the backyard.
Get ready fans, because the Big Brother 23 season premiere is coming!
Big Brother 23 debuts July 7 on CBS.