Big Brother spoilers now include the POV winner. Who won the Power of Veto today was just revealed on the CBS live feeds.
It was Jessica Milagros who won the HOH this week. She won a competition that took place late Thursday evening. It didn’t get finished during the last episode, so producers will reveal the results on Sunday.
The live feeds showcased that Jessica had won and then revealed who she had nominated for eviction. At the Nomination Ceremony, Jessica put Jackson Michie and Jack Matthews on the block.
Saturday morning, subscribers learned that Kathryn Dunn, Tommy Bracco, and Nick Maccarone were going to join Jessica, Jack, and Michie in the Veto Competition.
What would Kat's HOH letter from @BB20Brett be like? #BBChristie has an idea… ?
If you're not watching the #BBLF, you're missing out on SO much fun! Tune in now: https://t.co/V7NkJ0ScYC pic.twitter.com/2fXg2CNHAX
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 3, 2019
Big Brother spoilers: POV winner
Jessica Milagros won the Power of Veto. She keeps complete control of the house this week, with the exception of what Christie Murphy could do if she decides to use her secret power.
Will Christie use her Panic Power to save either Jack or Michie from the block? Will she just let the house decide on things? This could get very interesting in the next few days.
Still time to vote on Big Brother Field Trip
There is still a lot of time to take part in America’s Vote for this season. CBS has the page up and running to give fans a chance to really shake up the game this season. It could be very exciting to see how it all plays out in the coming weeks.
Stay tuned folks, because more Big Brother spoilers could come during the Veto Ceremony on Monday. Until that takes place, there could be a lot of drama surfacing on the live feeds.
Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.
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