
Big Brother live feed spoilers: Audio leaked of BB21 cast, first HOH revealed?

Nicole Anthony On BB21 Cast
Nicole Anthony is part of the Big Brother 21 cast this summer. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother live feed spoilers have revealed leaked audio of BB21 cast members discussing strategy. It’s unclear if the leak was intentional by the production staff or if it was an accident while getting things ready, but it did take place.

On Friday morning (June 21), the CBS live feeds audio turned on. It started at 9:38 am PT and the audio is still available for fans that want to go check it out.

To access the Big Brother live feed spoilers, log in to the CBS live feeds. Once the feeds are up and ready, you should see the countdown clock with a greenish background.

One of the dropdown menus on the live feeds is the flashback option, where you can select a time from the past. Select Camera 1 on June 21, and set the show start time to 9:38 am PT. Be aware that there is some adult language.

What do these Big Brother live feed spoilers mean?

Christie Murphy is heard speaking to Nicole Anthony at the start of the audio. They are two of the 16 new houseguests playing the game this summer. The ladies discuss nominations a bit.

Christie states in the audio that she doesn’t want to nominate two women or two men at the same time so she won’t anger either side of the house. She brings up “girl power” as a strategy and also notes that she wants to take out the guys.

While part of the conversation between them is a bit muddled, it appears Christie is the first Head of Household. She would then have the power to name two nominees for eviction in the first week. But she may have also just been talking about what she would do if she became HOH.

At this point in the game, Christie also noted that there were no specific targets. She did say that she would want Nick Maccarone out first, but that he has a lot of alliances.

While speaking about Nick, she also said that he nominated three people. For what? Maybe there were two competitions? Possibly an eviction already?

Big Brother 2019 air date

The season premiere takes place on Tuesday, June 25. The episode begins at 8/7c on CBS, serving as the first of a two-night presentation. Episode 2 takes place at 8/7c on Wednesday night (June 26).

Before that takes place, more Big Brother live feed spoilers could come out. During past seasons, producers have allowed subscribers to see some footage before the season premiere air date. Could that happen again?

The leaked audio doesn’t answer a lot of questions, but it may have raised even more about what has taken place so far. If nothing else, it at least gives some insight into what Christie Murphy is feeling and how hard she is already playing the game.

Is the boutique owner an early favorite to win the game? Is she part of a twist?

Big Brother live feeds get turned on the evening of June 26.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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