
Is Colin Donnell leaving Chicago Med cast? Connor Rhodes done?

Colin Donnell has been with the Chicago Med cast since the first season. He has played the role of Dr. Connor Rhodes, who saw a lot of drama during the last season of the show. A lot of questions surround the character of Connor Rhodes as Season 5 opens on NBC. A primary one is


Chicago Med Season 5 release date: When does show come back on TV in fall 2019?

The Chicago Med Season 5 release date is going to be an extremely important moment for the show. There were a number of significant cliffhangers in Season 4 and also several cast members that won’t be returning to NBC. As we previously reported, Dr. Connor Rhodes and Dr. Ava Bekker are not returning to the


Is Chicago Med renewed for Season 5, will Paula Newsome return to the cast?

Chicago Med packed quite a punch with its new episode. Season 4, episode 21 of the show was called “Forever Hold Your Peace” and it left viewers with a lot of questions. Some of those questions might be answered by the Chicago Med season finale, which will address the fates of a number of characters.


Is Chicago Med on tonight? When is next Chicago Med new episode?

Chicago Med has had a lot of dramatic episodes this season and that is working toward a three-week run of new episodes. It’s also going to include some moments that viewers will still be dealing with when Season 5 starts up in the fall. Is Chicago Med on tonight? There is no May 1 episode


Chicago Med cast: Characters leaving show during Season 4

Chicago Med cast exits are coming. Huge news about Season 4 of the show just came out and it has been confirmed by the actors. The characters of Dr. Connor Rhodes and Dr. Ava Bekker are leaving the Chicago Med cast in the coming weeks. Rhodes and Bekkar are played by Colin Donnell and Norma