Queen Elizabeth has put on a brave face for years, but her outward appearance has not reflected her inner feelings.
A soon-to-be-released biography about Queen Elizabeth will detail the monarch’s struggles and the stress caused by her children. Queen Elizabeth is known for her poise and grace, but she allegedly experienced turmoil from her children’s unconventional behavior.
The English Monarch is mother to Prince Charles, Prince Andrew, Princess Anne, and Prince Edward. All except Prince Edward have divorced from their spouses.
According to a Royal source, Queen Elizabeth appears stoic but was inwardly “distressed” by divorce talks.
Queen Elizabeth experienced distress because most of her children’s marriages ended in divorce
A new biography about Queen Elizabeth’s extensive life will detail her inner struggles with her Royal children.
In the book Queen of Our Times: The Life of Queen Elizabeth II, author Robert Hardman details the tragedy and turmoil she experienced because of her children.
Hardman alleges that the Queen felt great stress over her children’s nontraditional lifestyles. Three of her children, except Prince Edward, divorced in the nineties.
The biographer writes, “Another former member of the Household recalls that every now and then, there would be a glimpse of her despair.”
A staffer recalls attempting to comfort the Queen and telling her that divorce is more common in modern times. “I said, ‘Ma’am, it seems to be happening everywhere. This is almost common practice,’” the former staffer recalled, adding, “But she just said, ‘Three out of four!’ in sheer sadness and exasperation. One shouldn’t underestimate the pain she’s been through.”
Despite the stress over the years, the Queen has maintained a calm public persona.
Queen Elizabeth celebrates her 96th birthday and platinum jubilee this year
Although the Queen’s children have resulted in more divorces than successful marriages, she has much to celebrate. This year marks Queen Elizabeth’s platinum jubilee. She is the longest-reigning monarch in English history with 70 years as Queen.
Platinum jubilee celebrations are planned for June when there will be a four-day banking holiday, a royal pudding competition, and a party at Buckingham Palace.
She also celebrates her 96th birthday on April 21st. Sources express that she is desperate to meet her great-granddaughter Lilibet. The Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations will occur the same weekend on Lilibet’s first birthday. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle planned to attend the events, but their attendance is now up in the air. Prince Harry claims that he and his family are unsafe in England.
Time will tell if the Royal family will have a Royal reunion.