
What is the Diamond Power of Veto on Big Brother 21?

Christie Murphy Shocked
Christie Murphy is playing a strong game in the Big Brother 21 house. Pic credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

Big Brother 21 just introduced the Diamond Power of Veto this summer. It was the prize that Christie Murphy received for winning the Panic Whacktivity Competition.

Christie was shown receiving the Panic Power during Episode 9 on Sunday night. It’s something that could definitely lead to her making a bold game move in the coming weeks.

What is the Diamond Power of Veto on Big Brother 21?

The way that the power will work for the summer 2019 season is different than the viewers will remember. To best use the power this time, Christie may need to win the regular Power of Veto first.

As Christie read out the details, it became clear that she has the ability to change a regular POV into a Diamond POV. With the Diamond POV, the Veto holder can save a nominee and then choose the replacement nominee. Normally the HOH chooses the replacement nominee.

If Christie isn’t the Veto winner, though, it means she will be giving huge power to another houseguest. It’s something that could be extremely interesting to see play out on CBS. Christie chose to tell Tommy Bracco about her power, but nobody else in the house knows about it yet.

Jack Matthews still holds Chaos Power

Jack won the Chaos Whacktivity Challenge and earned a secret power of his own. He has the ability to force the house to re-draw the players for a Veto Competition if he doesn’t like the roster. It’s not the best power out there, but it could certainly allow people to manipulate the player draw.

Jack decided to share the knowledge of his power with Christie and Tommy, which could be a reason why the trio has agreed to a final three deal this summer. No powers have been used yet this season, much like the powers went unused during the trending challenges from last summer.

Big Brother has CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

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