
Today star Dylan Dreyer’s fans show concern for her son’s health due to potential clue

dylan dreyer face shot from nbc today show
Dylan Dreyer during an appearance on Today. Pic credit: NBC

Dylan Dreyer’s fans recently showed their concern for her son due to a possible sign of a health issue.

The Today star often shares insights into her life away from the show, including her family.

She’s been married to NBC News producer and cameraman Brian Fichera since 2012, and the couple has three sons.

Last year, Dreyer revealed that their son, Calvin, has celiac disease, which involves a gluten intolerance.

In a recent social media post, she expressed her excitement over finding a great deal through online shopping.

“I’ve never been more excited for a $7 purchase off Amazon. There’s no human thirstier than a kid who just sits down to dinner (or just laid in bed). We’re now going to be a pitcher of water straight from your local dive restaurant on the table kind of home,” she wrote in her caption.

Some fans showed concern for Dylan’s son over potential clue

Based on several comments on Dreyer’s Instagram post, some individuals suggested she may want to have her son’s blood sugar levels checked out.

“Checked his sugar??” a commenter asked, with Dreyer replying, “It’s water!”

Another commenter replied: “Blood sugar for diabetes, constant thirst is a sign. I don’t know which boy is very thirsty but if it’s Calvin, Type 1 and Celiac are sister diseases.”

screenshot from instagram comments as fans show concern for dylan dreyer son health
Pic credit: @dylandreyernbc/Instagram

Additional comments arrived from concerned fans suggesting Dreyer might want to have her son checked.

Another commenter said their brother “couldn’t drink enough,” and once he got checked out, they discovered that he had Juvenile Type I Diabetes.

“We were all shocked and it explained his extreme thirst,” they wrote.

“Does not hurt to have him checked out,” another commenter suggested.

screenshot of instagram comments as fans show concern for dylan dreyer sons health
Pic credit: @dylandreyernbc/Instagram

Dreyer revealed son’s celiac disease on Today

During a 2023 segment on Today, Dylan Dreyer opened up about the health issue affecting her son.

“Starting last year, my oldest son Calvin has been dealing with excruciating pain,” she shared, adding, “We finally learned Calvin has celiac disease.”

Dreyer sat with her son during the segment and discussed the linked symptoms she hadn’t realized he had, including “a sharp pain in his stomach” and “an earache that wouldn’t go away.”

The diagnosis eventually arrived with an endoscopy also revealing a stomach ulcer. With the diagnosis, Dreyer said they changed Dylan’s diet and sanitized and scrubbed the kitchen items to avoid cross-contamination.

“It’s really a huge transition for everyone in my whole family,” she explained on Today, adding, “The goal for me is to just make this as easy and smooth as possible.”

She mentioned she’d been making a lot of gluten-free recipes since then, and Calvin enjoys what she’s made.

“He feels a thousand percent better,” Dreyer shared with her colleagues and viewers.

Dreyer’s recent Instagram post didn’t specify that she was talking about her son Calvin, as it seemed generalized and possibly just about how all three of her boys want water to drink during their day.

According to WebMD, some of the signs of diabetes can be unnoticeable due to how mild they are. The website indicates that additional “early signs of diabetes” can include hunger, fatigue, dry mouth, itchy skin, and urinating often during the day.

As of this writing, Dreyer hadn’t responded to additional comments on her Instagram post suggesting a link between extreme thirst and diabetes.

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