The Walking Dead spoilers for this week are pretty intense. On Sunday night, AMC viewers will find out what happened to Michonne as actress Danai Gurira appears in her final episode of TWD.
The last episode was an intense one, with quite a few main characters dying on the show. That included the deaths of Alpha, Gamma, and Earl.
The Walking Dead spoilers: What We Became
Season 10, Episode 13 is presumably the last time that Michonne will be featured in an episode of the show. There are rumors that she could show up in the Rick Grimes movie from AMC, but nothing has been confirmed yet.
As for the new episode, which is called What We Became, viewers catch up with Michonne (Danai Gurira) and Virgil (Kevin Carroll) as they head back to his alleged home where he will provide her with weapons to take out Alpha’s horde.
And in regard to these great new spoilers, they are courtesy of the reliable people at The Spoiling Dead Fans.
Let’s jump right into it: Virgil lied. He brought Michonne back to his island to kill his family (who had turned). Virgil has also locked up people from his former group, and he doesn’t know how to deal with the situation.
This all becomes a bit of filler to the episode, though. It allows Michonne to go through a series of hallucinations where she too is trapped, physically and in her mind as well.
Michonne’s hallucinations track all the way back to Season 6, Episode 16, where she decided to help Andrea.
Had she not helped Andrea, she could have gone down the path of joining Negan. That all plays out to add drama to the entire situation.
Does Michonne die on The Walking Dead?
The question that many fans have had was finally answered. No, Michonne does not die. Toward the end of the episode, after she has saved Virgil and the other people on the island, she comes across some mysterious belongings.
It seems that the boots of Rick Grimes had washed up in a military-type boat. Inside is an iPhone that has a chalk drawing of her and Judith on the screen.
On the corner of the phone is the word “Rick.”
Michonne figures out that this means Rick is still alive, and she calls home to speak to Judith and RJ about her next step. Her journey now includes the search for Rick, and she basically left her kids in the hands of Daryl.
At the very end of the long episode, Michonne sees a group of soldiers walking in formation, and that could be a heavy hint about what’s coming soon on the show.
That’s the end of Michonne’s current story and the final episode of Danai Gurira. Stay tuned, though, because she will likely be addressed, and she could indeed resurface again down the road.
The episode is also well worth watching to fill in the other gaps of this re-telling.
The final episodes of Season 10 will go back to dealing with the Whisperer War now.
The Walking Dead airs Sunday nights at 9/8c on AMC.