
The Bold and the Beautiful: Should Steffy and Hope share custody of Beth/Phoebe?

Brooke, Hope, and baby Beth.
There are questions about who should raise Beth/Phoebe. Pic credit: CBS

The Bold and the Beautiful baby swap storyline is over, or is it? Now that the secret about baby Beth/Phoebe is out, it may seem like child’s play as to the outcome of the months-long drama that enveloped L.A.

Of course, Hope (Annika Noelle) will get her baby returned to her, and she, Liam (Scott Clifton), and Beth will live happily ever after. It’s a slam dunk, right? Not exactly. This is a soap after all, and fans should expect the unexpected!

Just in case you’ve been under a rock, Steffy (Jacqueline McInnes Wood) bought a baby who named her Phoebe, for hundreds of thousands of dollars when she just had to have one. Well, it turns out that the baby was Lope’s daughter Beth who had been presumed dead. In reality, a demented doctor stole her and sold her. Whether or not he ever comes to justice remains to be seen.

In the meantime, Lope is now reunited with their baby, maybe. Explosive show spoilers reveal that Steffy will not give up the baby she has raised for months without a fight.

I’m not a lawyer, but I do watch soaps, and what may seem like a cut and dried custody issue may be anything but. Yes, Hope is the baby’s biological mother, but Steffy adopted the infant. Of course, it was a fraudulent adoption since the baby was stolen, but other than sleazy Flo (Katrina Bowden), Steffy is the only mother that Phoebe has known.

Should Steffy have a right to keep, or have some form of, custody of the baby? Let’s not forget that the baby’s daddy is in the same house as Steffy and has been for a while. Why was he there?

Zombie Hope insisted he go and be a family with Steffy and her girls. She isn’t entirely guilt-free in this mess, she even married another man to try and move on from her past.

It would seem that motive, intention, and beliefs were all askew in this warped case of the baby switch.

Sadly, it’s Beth who now is at the center of the drama between emotional adults, most of whom have a history of not thinking straight or acting right.

Who should get Beth/Phoebe, and Liam for that matter, as they seem to be a two-for-one deal at this point?

Be sure to tune in and find out!

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS.

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jake Dumas
jake Dumas
4 years ago

And i think that steffy will keep phoebe and Liam and and have full custody of phoebe and Liam and steffy will reunite and get engaged again and get their wedding vows renewed and raise Kelly and phoebe together and temporally raise Douglas until Thomas gets stable and redeemed and forgiving and Thomas and hope will get remarried and raise Douglas together and hope will take good care of Thomas and Douglas and Thomas and hope deserve to be a married couple and Brooke better stop meddling and interfering and stop being to bossy and dramatic