
Who did Janelle Pierzina say she wanted to play Big Brother: All-Stars with?

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Janelle has some thoughts on what BB: All-Stars 2 could have looked like Pic credit: Janelle Pierzina/YouTube

Big Brother: All-Stars could have looked a lot different had it taken place during the summer of 2021 instead of during 2020. It’s a topic that Janelle Pierzina just posted about on social media and one that a lot of fans have also mentioned because of the people who had to opt-out in 2020 due to pregnancies.

As a reminder, a six-person alliance dominated Big Brother: All-Stars 2. The people in that core alliance were Cody Calafiore, Nicole Franzel, Memphis Garrett, Tyler Crispen, Daniele Briones, and Christmas Abbott. Cody won, Enzo Palumbo finished in second place (due to a final two with Cody), and Nicole finished in third.

Earlier in the season, many fans were very excited to see Janelle Pierzina and Kaysar Ridha return to the show, but they couldn’t find a way to form a strong alliance and the famous duo ended up getting separated and sent out the door before the BB22 jury even started forming.

Had the season taken place during the summer of 2021, though, Janelle is convinced that she could have put together a strong alliance that would have been able to do much better in the game. Is she right? Let the debate begin!

Janelle ponders Big Brother: All-Stars

“Imagine if this year was the year to have Big Brother All-Stars. Vanessa and Rachel would have been able to play and would of worked with me and Nicole would have had to stay home since she’s pregnant. What could have been,” Janelle wrote on her Twitter account.

Janelle is referencing Big Brother 13 winner Rachel Reilly and Big Brother 17 runner-up Vanessa Rousso. Both ladies had to opt-out of BB22 due to pregnancies, which kept them from being cast members. Rachel said she wanted to play, even while pregnant, but that the producers told her no.

Janelle On BB All-Stars
Janelle wats a do-over on her BB All-Stars 2 appearance Pic credit: @JanellePierzina/Twitter

Could a trio of Rachel, Vanessa, and Janelle have dominated Big Brother?

Rachel won BB13, Vanessa was third on BB17, and Janelle finished third on both BB6 and BB7. That could have been a really strong trio of women playing the game and if they could have worked together, who knows what they might have been able to accomplish. Unfortunately, fans aren’t going to see that ever happen.

Looking ahead, the new season of Big Brother is going to feature teams. It will be fun to see these new alliances play out, especially since the team leaders will get to choose who they want to be on their respective teams. That adds an interesting new wrinkle and reveals much more about the BB23 cast than we would typically see on Day 1 of a season.

We also look forward to hearing from former houseguests like Janelle, Rachel, and Nicole as they share their thoughts on the BB23 cast. Cody, who is always talking Big Brother on his Twitch stream, will likely have a lot to say about the summer 2021 season of Big Brother as well.

Big Brother 23 debuts July 7 on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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