
What is a floater on Big Brother and is it different than a coaster?

Azah BB23 Bed
Azah Awasum has been a very successful coaster on the Big Brother 23 season. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother floaters have been a part of the game for years. But sometimes Big Brother fans get confused between floaters and coasters.

The BB23 cast has had people that fall into both categories, and it may be a successful strategy that gets one or two of them all the way to the end.

A lot of debates have taken place among Big Brother fans about the way that Derek Frazier and Azah Awasum played the game, but they are definitely not floaters this season.

Let’s take a look at the differences between floaters and coasters in the world of Big Brother.

What is a Big Brother floater?

In its simplest definition, a Big Brother floater is someone who floats toward the power each week. They try to befriend each new Head of Household and work toward the goals of that particular HOH, all while remaining outside of the drama.

A floater either has no real alliance or is aligned with nearly everyone in the house (or both). If the house is split, the floater gravitates toward the side that is in power that particular week, with a plan to possibly shift back the following week.

One legendary Big Brother floater was Jun Song, who used the strategy to become the Big Brother 4 winner. Quite a few other houseguests have been successful floaters over the years, which is why it still lives on as a viable strategy in the game.

What is a Big Brother coaster?

A Big Brother coaster is someone who gets into a strong alliance and due to the power of that alliance, is able to coast to the end. They can win a few challenges here and there, but the coaster is mostly along for the ride.

Successful coasters are those houseguests who attach themselves to strong alliances with leaders who are really good at the game. It then allows the coasters to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Derek Frazier and Azah Awasum are two examples of very good coasters. As members of the BB23 cast, they were a part of the strongest alliance in the house (The Cookout) and the leaders of that group helped to protect them all season (Tiffany Mitchell, Xavier Prather, and Kyland Young).

Some Big Brother fans don’t like floaters or coasters

There is a contingent of Big Brother fans who get frustrated every season by the houseguests who choose to float or coast through the entire summer season. Typically, floaters and coasters just go with the majority and don’t make waves, which can lead to what some Big Brother fans call “boring” gameplay.

At the same time, the strategy of being a floater or a coaster has worked to get many people to the end of a season. But that would never happen during a season where Rachel Reilly was a part of the cast, right?

Big Brother 23 airs on CBS during Summer 2021.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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