
The Challenge Season 37 spoilers: Voting and elimination formats possibly reveal big change for season

the challenge double agents host tj lavin
The Challenge host TJ Lavin gets an elimination going at The Crater on Double Agents. Pic credit: MTV

The Challenge Season 37 spoilers continue to present potential details about what fans can expect as the cast members are put into intense competition.

Over the past several weeks, there have been updated spoilers arriving online about who’s in the cast and who may be teamed up. There have even been some eliminations and returning cast members revealed.

Now it appears there are spoilers for The Challenge Season 37 format for how voting and eliminations will work, and there has been a big change in terms of one particular aspect of the game.

Be forewarned as this article will contain possible spoilers ahead of the new season on MTV.

Season 36 featured Double Agents, secret voting, and Skulls

The Challenge Season 36 was the spy-themed Double Agents, which included pairs of male and female competitors teamed up. Teams basically stayed like that unless there was an elimination or someone had to leave the show.

Whichever team won the daily challenge became the Double Agents power team. That team got the power to send another team into elimination against whichever team the rest of the cast voted in. The rest of the cast members each placed their votes in secret.

The Double Agents team typically revealed who they were sending in at The Arena, including the option for a Double Agents competitor to volunteer, and then an elimination took place.

The elimination was usually a guys’ day or ladies’ day. The losing competitor in elimination was sent home, and their partner then became a Rogue Agent. That meant they typically sat out the next daily challenge and waited until the next elimination to get a new partner.

Meanwhile, the competitor who won in an elimination received the powerful option to stay with their teammate or steal someone else of the opposite sex as their teammate. This brought some surprising moments and moves along the way.

In addition, whoever won an elimination earned a coveted Gold Skull, something host TJ Lavin told the competitors was required to run his final.

What is the Season 37 format for voting and eliminations?

Things will work a bit differently when it comes to The Challenge Season 37 format. Based on details from the generally reliable insider account @mtvchallengeinsider (@GamerVev) on Instagram, there will still be teammates and even partner changes.

There will still be a house vote to send any team except the daily challenge winners into elimination. Not only are those daily challenge winners safe, but they get to vote on the opposing team for the elimination.

It’s unknown based on the descriptions provided so far if the “house vote” is done secretly like on Double Agents, or out loud during a deliberation meeting.

Something else that stands out is that the “winning team then gets to pick a new partner” and that there’s no Skull twist involved in Season 37. So the teammate stealing seems to be back, and the Skulls are not.

The lack of Skulls will be a major change, as it was used in the two previous seasons and allowed competitors to qualify for TJ’s final.

mtvchallengeinsider private ig post about challenge season 37 format
Pic credit: @mtvchallengeinsider/Instagram

Many fans expressed their dislike of the Skulls twist with Double Agents and Total Madness, though. However, others may have felt it prevented players from easily standing on the sidelines, never facing elimination, and getting to the final. It will be interesting to see if it helps or hurts Season 37.

That said, winning is everything, as it brings power and safety, so that still seems to be what matters most for The Challenge.

The Challenge Season 37 premiere date is TBA on MTV for 2021.

Episodes of The Challenge are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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