
Teen Mom OG: The 5 most jaw-dropping moments in the history of the show

Teen Mom OG girls
The Teen Mom OG show is full of drama, but what were the most shocking moments? Pic credit: ©, ©, @catelynnmtv/Instagram, @macideshanebookout/Instagram, @cheynotshy/Instagram

There have been so many shocking moments on Teen Mom OG over the years.

In addition to the shocking moments, there has been major drama that has ensued between the moms, their baby daddies, their new significant others, friends, kids, parents, producers, and anyone else they have grown close to or have relationships with.

Let’s be honest…most episodes in the Teen Mom OG franchise are full of drama, flair, tears, fighting, arguments, and overall controversy.

But there has been that handful of moments where viewers had to stop and ask themselves, “Omg, did that really just happen?!”

These climactic and staggering events deserve their own list in the world of Teen Mom OG.

Theatrical and powerful, and somewhat disturbing, these moments round out the Top 5 all-time most jaw-dropping events in Teen Mom OG history.

5. Maci Bookout McKinney (almost) quit the show

Maci Bookout McKinney comes in at #5 with the time she almost quit Teen Mom OG.
Maci Bookout McKinney. @macideshanebookout/Instagram

Remember when Maci and Farrah didn’t get along…oh, wait, that’s still happening. But there was one time in particular when Maci didn’t agree with the fact that Farrah was being allowed to return to the set of Teen Mom OG.

In fact, Maci felt so strongly about this that she told producers she would quit if they did bring Farrah back. Maci was not on board with some of Farrah’s private life decisions, specifically in the adult entertainment world.

Maci felt Farrah was not a good role model for the outside world and Teen Mom OG fans, other teen moms watching the show, or a positive look for the show as a whole.

Producers decided they needed Farrah back because of everything she stirred up. Maci was so furious at the producers of the show, which fans don’t typically see out of her.

Many were worried that Maci would stick to what she said and not come back to the show, but luckily for producers and fans alike, she changed her mind in the end.

Still, the fact that Maci said she was quitting was crazy enough to put this moment onto the list, as viewers don’t see much drama or antagonism out of her.

4. Amber Portwood assaulted Gary Shirley

Amber Portwood comes in at #4 when she is charged with domestic violence.
Amber Portwood. Pic credit: @realamberlportwood1_/Instagram

Fans of Teen Mom OG have seen so many feuds, arguments, and screaming matches between Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley over the years. But one fight, in particular, stood out.

Going back an abundance of seasons, in Season 1 of Teen Mom OG, Amber and Gary’s fight went to another level entirely.

During the filming, viewers could see Amber physically slapping, choking, and kicking her then-fiance, Gary. What is even worse was that their one-year-old daughter, Leah, was present through the whole ordeal, as she sat in the same room.

Police then stepped in and investigated the situation. It was then that Amber was arrested for domestic abuse, as well as charged for child neglect, due to Leah being there witnessing the fight.

According to In Touch Weekly, “On August 14, 2009, Portwood shoved Shirley against a wall, slapped him on the face, and choked him. The incident was witnessed by the couple’s 1-year-old child who sat in a child seat on a nearby bed.”

It was also reported later that this was definitely not the first time Amber had physically slapped, punched, or kicked Gary when Leah was around.

Fans sat stunned and glued to their TVs during this episode of Teen Mom OG, which is why it had to earn a spot on this list.

3. Catelynn Baltierra revealed she is suicidal

Catelynn Baltierra comes in at #3 with announcing her suicidal thoughts.
Catelynn Baltierra. Pic credit: @catelynnmtv/Instagram

On Season 7 of Teen Mom OG, Catelynn Baltierra had her share of tragedy. She and her husband, Tyler Baltierra, had a three-year-old daughter, Nova, when Catelynn suffered a miscarriage.

That was a traumatic enough incident for viewers to watch and take in, as fans felt for Catelynn and Tyler and all they were going through.

In fact, Tyler told People that the moment and heartache it caused them was, “similar to placing their 8-year-old daughter Carly up for adoption.”

He went on to say, “So we just sat on the bed and cried. We just held each other. There’s nothing you can really do.”

However, unfortunately, viewers watched dismally as things took a turn for the worst.

Not only was Catelynn mourning for the child she lost, but then, talking to MTV producer, Kerthy, Catelynn made the comment, “Thank God for kids and husbands…If they weren’t around I probably would’ve offed myself. Seriously. I’m sure a lot of people can relate. It’s like I don’t want to live another day like this.”

It seemed like maybe Catelynn was starting to deal with her miscarriage until Kerthy told Tyler that Catelynn had called and said “she wanted to kill herself.”

Catelynn was later filmed in the car heading to check herself into a treatment facility, telling Tyler’s mom, Kim: “I contemplated every single way that I could kill myself today.”

Catelynn had a rough go with postpartum depression after Nova, then her miscarriage, and eventually her suicidal ideation. Viewers were shocked to hear how much Catelynn was suffering and were glad when she went to seek help.

2. Farrah Abraham got kicked off the show

Farrah Abraham comes in at #2 when she gets kicked off Teen Mom OG.
Farrah Abraham. Pic credit: ©

Talk about blowing a balloon up and watching it pop – that’s kind of how Farrah Abraham’s stint in Teen Mom OG went.

Things finally came to a head when Morgan J. Freeman, Teen Mom OG producer, went to Farrah’s house to confront her.

Besides the fact that Farrah was still active in the adult entertainment industry and refused to stop, she also treated the other moms on the show, as well as all of the producers, terribly.

Although she was treated better than she deserved in the end when Morgan allowed her to ultimately make the decision herself—to continue with the show and stop her ways, or be done once and for all with the Teen Mom OG show.

In true Farrah form, she still didn’t think she had done anything wrong. Hence, Farrah was removed from the show, and everyone was seemingly happier because of it. Granted there was going to be less drama, but the finality of Farrah being done was not only a shock but a relief for most.

1. Ryan Edwards fell asleep at the wheel

Ryan Edwards with the #1 most jaw-dropping moments on Teen Mom OG falling asleep at the wheel.
Ryan Edwards and wife Mackenzie Standifer. Pic credit: @ryancedwards85/Instagram

Nothing may have been as jaw-dropping, terrifying, and appalling as when viewers watched as Ryan Edwards, Maci Bookout McKinney’s ex, drive under the influence of drugs.

To add to the intensity of this horrific moment on Teen Mom OG, Ryan was also driving his fiancee, Mackenzie Standifer, to their own wedding.

As US Weekly reported, Mackenzie had to continuously shake and yell at him, and she eventually took control of the wheel. Viewers watched the scene horrified as Ryan could be seen closing his eyes and acting completely out of it.

While some fans felt compassion for Mackenzie, others were infuriated at her for not making Ryan pull over, or not getting behind the wheel herself.

Still, many others were livid at Ryan, while still some were irate at MTV for not stepping in and trying to stop it from happening.

After the incident, Ryan decided to go to rehab but has since made negative choices, and as viewers know from Maci, does not have much of a relationship with their son, Bentley.

Putting his own life in danger, as well as Mackenzie’s and other drivers on the road, Ryan wholeheartedly deserved this number one spot on the Top 5 most jaw-dropping moments in Teen Mom OG history.

Teen Mom Family Reunion airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on MTV.

All episodes of Teen Mom are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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