
Teen Mom 2: Jenelle Evans talks father’s drinking and drug use in first episode of her podcast

Jenelle Evans releases new podcast and talks about her biological dad
Jenelle Evans talks about her dad in new podcast. Pic credit:@JenelleEason/YouTube

Former Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans has aired her first podcast epsiode and she opened up about an interesting topic, her father. We already know about the rocky relationship between Jenelle and her mom Barbara after meeting her on the show years ago.

The mother/daughter duo’s toxic relationship played out over several seasons of the MTV series as the women fought over custody of Jenelle’s first child, Jace. Barbara was awarded custody of Jace years ago when the teen mom was going through several issues and unable to care for him. Since then Jenelle has had two more kids and has even tied to the knot.

The 29-year-old now wants custody of Jace, who is now 11, but Barbara does not want Jace living with his mom so they’re battling it out in court.

Jenelle Evans talks daddy issues

The controversial Teen Mom 2 alum has finally released The Jenelle Evans Podcast.

And during the first episode for the show, aptly titled Daddy Issues, Jenelle gave listeners some insight into her childhood and the relationship with her dad.

“Today’s first topic that I wanna get into is my biological dad,” noted Jenelle. She went on the share that she grew up in Pennsylvania with her mom Barbara and her dad, who were married at the time. At about age “three or four” the couple got divorced and her dad moved out of their home.

Jenelle revealed, “When my dad moved out, he actually moved in with his mother, my grandmother and from there. I mean he just lived there and we would have visitation with him over the years and when I was 12, I moved to Pennsylvania and ended up not talking to him anymore.”

Jenelle reveals domestic abuse between her mom and dad

The former Teen Mom 2 star continued to share insight with fans about her childhood and she admitted to domestic violence in her household during her younger years.

“Growing up it was kinda chaotic, I know that my mom and my dad fought a lot. There was a lot of domestic abuse, I don’t remember any of it because I was so young but I know that my brother and sister, they remember some stuff,” explained the mom-of-three.

Jenelle added, “I don’t know why my dad ended up leaving, I just know my mom talked about a lot of him drinking and I guess he had an addiction to cocaine from what I hear.”

These days, Jenelle does not have much of a relationship with her father. She noted during the chat, “I haven’t talked to my dad in a while,” and now, unfortunately, Jenelle and her mom are on the outs as well. Let’s see if sharing these childhood moments can help to bring the former teenage mom and her parents back on good terms.

Teen Mom 2 airs on Tuesdays at 8/7c on MTV.

All episodes of Teen Mom 2 are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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