
RHONJ viewers sound off on who should leave the show: Melissa Gorga or Teresa Giudice

RHONJ stars Melissa Gorga and Teresa Giudice close-up
RHONJ viewers want either Teresa Giudice or Melissa Gorga to leave the show. Pic credit: © J.LINGO/MJT/AdMedia

The Real Housewives of New Jersey viewers are officially exhausted with the ongoing drama between Teresa Giudice and Joe and Melissa Gorga.

After over a decade of watching their family feud play out with no resolution in sight, the consensus is that something has to give.

Things have seemingly reached a point of no return for the two parties, and viewers are hoping for a major change next season.

While it’s unclear what the network will do to shake things up for Season 14, viewers think it’s time for someone to go — but the question is, who?

Is it time for the OG to finally step down, or should Joe and Melissa be the ones to exit the franchise?

Some Jersey viewers shared their opinions on the topic, and it seems the Trehuggers — as the OG’s fans are called — must have missed that poll because most people picked her as the one who should go.

RHONJ viewers sound off on Melissa Gorga vs Teresa Giudice

Housewives fan page @realhousewivesconfessinals reasoned that there has to be a change for Season 14, and for that to happen, either Teresa or Melissa must go.

Interestingly, the comment section was littered with viewers who voted Teresa off the island.

“Teresa’s time has come. It’s not fun anymore,” replied one Instagram user.

“Teresa is holding the show hostage… she should get a show on Peacock with Louie and the girls,” said someone else.

Another commenter wrote, “Teresa needs to be humbled. Prison didn’t do it. Getting dropped from the show? Would be a start.”

“See ya Tre. You a mean girl. Always been. Always will be,” added someone else.

Some RHONJ viewers want Teresa Giudice gone
Pic credit: @realhousewivesconfessionals/Instagram

Meanwhile, there were also some votes for the Envy by MG founder and her husband Joe to exit stage left.

One person voted for Melissa and Joe to leave and opined that “New Jersey is teresa!!”

Another commenter said, “Melissa lasted longer then she should have.”

Another viewer added, “Get rid of Melissa,” while someone else said, “Melissa out byee goodbye don t come back goodbye.”

Some RHONJ viewers want Melissa Gorga gone
Pic credit: @realhousewivesconfessionals/Instagram

Melissa Gorga talks about a possible RHONJ exit

Melissa confronted the possibility of leaving the show during a recent interview.

When she appeared on the Elvis Duran & The Morning Show earlier this month, the famed radio host asked the Bravo Housewife, “What will be the sign it’s time to hang it up and not do the show anymore?”

The mom of three confessed that while she has thought about that possibility, she’s not ready to say goodbye to the show.

“I have a couple more in me — unless you know, Bravo has other plans – but I don’t know, I do always think about what’s next though,” confessed Melissa.

However, Melissa is also aware that the Bravo execs might be frustrated with how toxic things have become, and that could affect her future on the show.

“I think they can get to a point where they say, ‘don’t know how we’re gonna put these two in a room anymore,'” admitted Melissa during the Two Ts in a Pod podcast.

However, she noted that the network will likely see how the reunion plays out before they make any decisions about the new season.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Bravo.

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1 year ago

Time to end all these shows.

Kimberly Rockwell
Kimberly Rockwell
1 year ago

ByeTheresa , thinks shes the show never admits she wrong. Bullying is her middle name!!!

1 year ago

Exactly. Teresa ALWAYS plays the victim. Please get rid of her, she’s a friggin bully and liar. And, this chick brainwashes her on kids to be disrectful to her on family. It’s absolutely disgusting. BRAVO please get rid of her!

1 year ago

Time for Teeresa to leave. She is a bully and it’s not fun on the show anymore.

1 year ago

Tre must go!! So tired of her narcissism! She’s ridiculous!!

1 year ago

i think they should both go,tre the pain in the ass,melissa ithink if should stop the crying fate crying,just like candace of potomac wiping fate tears away.

1 year ago

Teresa is just a bad human being. Her behavior should not be rewarded making her stage star of the show.

1 year ago

Trash Terrible Teresa. I get literally sick to my stomach listening to her lies. The only time she seems human is with her daughters. Poor girls.

1 year ago

Melissa needs to go ASAP!!! This is reality tv. Viewers suppose to see the good the bad and the ugly. Melissa and Joe don’t show their lives at all. They walk around like they are this picture perfect husband and wife. News flash a marriage comes with arguments here and there. Marriages aren’t perfect.

Mary-Anne Gibson
Mary-Anne Gibson
1 year ago

Teresa should have never been brought back after her time at “camp”. She adds nothing to the show and when did her daughters become “housewives “?

1 year ago

Keep Joe and Melissa Let’s face it the boys are hilarious, Bring Kathy. Richie and Rosie back and maybe the Manzo’s

1 year ago
Reply to  Valerie

I totally agree and I would love for Kathy, Richie and Rosie and the Manzo’s to return. Look at the damage Teresa has done already. She is the one who should be gone immediately.

1 year ago
Reply to  Valerie

I agree 100% keep Melissa and Joe and bring back the cousins!!! i’d like to see caroline and Jacqueline too

Karen from Flo Mo
Karen from Flo Mo
1 year ago

This all started because Theresa became famous and making money with her cookbook. Joe wanted in on the fame and if you remember Melissa wanted to be a singer. That was the ONLY reason the Gorga’s wanted on the show, so Melissa could be a famous singer. I think there has always been a feud between Joe and Theresa, even before the show. The only storyline the Gorga’s have is them fighting with Theresa. For them to argue that they helped the girls when Theresa was in prison by “filming with Joe” was the most ridiculous. What about weekly visits to make sure they are good, do they need anything (female needs) or how about, wanna go shopping, let’s go to dinner, how’s school, do you need help with anything????? THAT is how you help out your family when there is a need. Not “We filmed so he could make money” LOL LOL LOL . . .As far as the wedding, I wasn’t in my sister in laws wedding to my brother and you know what, it was HER wedding, she chose her bridesmaids and honestly, I didn’t expect to be in it and I was perfectly okay not being in it. Again, the Gorga’s wanted the camera time and got their name in the press by not attending at all. Shame on them and their selfishness. I used to think Joe Gorga was funny but now I think he’s just a fame whore.

1 year ago

Teresa has been at the heart of all the lies about Melissa from the start. She got her cousins off the show. She spread rumors at Jackie’s husbands birthday party that he was a cheater. She and Jennifer are constantly going after Margaret. When Teresa and Luis and Jennifer Aydin are not on the show it is fun to watch. Teresa has gotten by with her efforts to hurt her brother and his family from the beginning. Enough is enough. She is poison.

Kimberly Rockwell
Kimberly Rockwell
1 year ago

Take Theresa and Louie off they don’t get along with anyone. Shes broke the law and im sure he has too some were along the lines. Joe and Melissa get along with everyone. I hate the bickering and Theresas never admits her guilt!

1 year ago

Goodbye Theresa! It’s time to go ! The final straw was the wedding hair duo! Got to go!

1 year ago

Time for Melissa and Joe to Exit, bye bye

Chloe sullivan
Chloe sullivan
1 year ago

Tired Theresa starts the problems as always, then plays the victim! It’s the same thing each year and I’m sick of seeing her nasty face and attitude! She’s a liar, convicted criminal and I don’t watch shows with felons on the show!

Chloe sullivan
Chloe sullivan
1 year ago

Can’t wait till Lui’s real personality comes out and starts abusing Theresa!!!!! She deserves it! Karma to the liar and problem coming from a psycho like Theresa!!! Being Rosie, Kathy, and her husband back! Make the show fun again! Get rid of the trouble makers Aka THERESA!!!!

1 year ago

Team joe and Melissa, Teresa Giudice is delusional and to be honest her new man scarey. The show would be boring without the Gorga’s their the glue of the whole show.

1 year ago

Teresa needs to go. Fame has gone yo her head and she doesn’t accept accountability for anything. She goes through friends too quickly. She’s your friend until you disagree with her then she makes your life hell for years but OH let’s be friends again. Teresa wants unconditional loyalty from her friends. Don’t get me started on Louie he is a piece of work. Getting rid of Melissa and Joe Gorga would ruin the dynamics of the RHONJ husbands.

1 year ago

Enough with the toxicity of louie and teresa, he wants to be on the show and is committing a dangerous act meddling in the lives of the others . Jennifer ayden needs to leave as well. She makes stuff up and creates drama just to be featured. We cant take them anymore. The show isnt fun anymore its filled with anger and anxiety.

1 year ago

Theresa needs to go with her new pathological lying husband. He is controlling and it is just a matter of time before he verbally abuses her. Her time has come to an end. I do not even want to watch the show if Melissa and Joe leave.

1 year ago

It would be great if Teresa Luis and Jennifer left the show. The rest of the cast is fun to watch . During the entire time Teresa has been on the show her jealousy is constantly on display. She couldn’t stand how popular her cousins were and got them off the show. If she isn’t actively spreading rumors she uses someone else, like Jennifer, to do her dirty work. Even during the reunion, if the conversation isn’t about her she is disengaged. She is a total narcissist and liar.

1 year ago

Theresa is toxic. She pretends to be heartbroken over the family drama yet she does everything possible to sabotage Melissa and Joe Gorga. She creates the drama but then I guess that’s what she gets paid for at the expense of the family dynamic. Louie is sneaky and true to come off as a peacemaker when he is a trouble maker. They should both go!,

Jacqueline King
Jacqueline King
1 year ago

Theresa needs to go. She is and has been a toxic mess to everyone in the show. People keep saying Melissa only storyline is Theresa ( she never had chance to develop more more as having to always deflect shit hurled by Theresa), but the same then goes the other way as well. Theresa’s hatred and jealousy of Melissa and Joe is her storyline as well. It is enough of Theresa’s ignorant, aggressive and toxic ass and now with looney Louie…too much, over it. Time to go!!!

Rocco Lopano
Rocco Lopano
11 months ago

Melissa and joe are liars they should leave the show. Teresa keeps people watching melissa doesn’t. MELISSA JELIOUS OF TERESA