Peter Weber’s mom Barbara seems to like everyone from her son’s season of The Bachelor except for Madison Prewett. That includes producer Julie LaPlaca, who was rumored to be having a relationship with Peter as he was filming the show.
Peter Weber’s unspoiled season of The Bachelor
The Bachelor fans were really confused this season because, unlike other seasons, it was left unspoiled right down to the bitter end.
Now we have a better idea of why it was so hard to figure out which woman Peter ended up with, and that’s because it came all the way down to the After The Final Rose special.
In the end, Peter didn’t end up with anyone as his proposal to Hannah Ann was seen as a consolation prize after Madison left him behind in Australia. Madison decided to do so after he slept with other women from the show.
That didn’t last long, and then, one month later, Hannah Ann handed the ring right back, and the two broke up.
Peter got his wish to try things with Madison, but that relationship also didn’t last, leaving the pilot without his first mate.
Julie LaPlaca rumored to be dating Peter Weber as The Bachelor filmed
As The Bachelor fans tried to figure out who Peter Weber ends up with and how it all ends as well, a new rumor popped up, shipping him with Julie LaPlaca, a producer from the show.
And while that doesn’t seem too far-fetched, especially considering the amount of time that they were spending together for the show, it’s been reported in the time since that Peter and Julie are just really good friends.
Peter has even denied kissing Julie, something that elicited a reaction from his mom, Barbara.
Peter’s mom “loves” Julie LaPlaca
Even though Peter and Julie aren’t together and, according to them, never have been, that hasn’t seemed to stop his mom from showing her all the love on social media.
It’s pretty clear that Barbara Weber enjoyed working with Julie on The Bachelor this season and made sure to point that out on Instagram.
She said as much in the comments under a recent E! News post where Julie denied kissing Peter. Barbara wrote, “Love you, Julie!! Always have. Always will.”
Julie LaPlaca was quick to respond to Peter’s mom, telling her, “Love you more.”
The Bachelor is expected to return for another season in early 2021.
Get a life and let Peter have his own life. Seems like you and your family love the drama and the spotlight. We all feel really sorry for Peter to have been treated with such disrespect on national TV.