
Nick Viall takes aim at ‘people pleaser’ Joey Graziadei for taking ‘the easy way out’ on The Bachelor

Joey Graziadei on The Bachelor
Nick Viall thinks Joey Graziadei is going too easy. Pic credit: ABC

Joey Graziadei may have finally found one The Bachelor viewer who is not a fan.

The newest Bachelor Nation star has been getting a lot of love since his season started last month because he’s such a nice guy.

Everyone seems to love him and sing his praises all over social media week after week.

The women on his season really seem to like him, and so far, only one has self-eliminated – which is telling since even Gerry Turner saw more than that on The Golden Bachelor.

But that seems to be the reason former Bachelor star Nick Viall is taking aim.

On his podcast, Viall Files, Nick handed out a heaping dose of criticism for the tennis coach for how he’s running his current season.

Nick Viall calls Joey Graziadei out

On the newest episode of Viall Files, which came out on Thursday, February 15, Nick had much to say about Joey Graziadei and this current season of The Bachelor.

Nick knows what it takes to be a Bachelor lead since he’s been there before, and he thinks that Joey is taking “the easy way out this season” because he’s just too nice of a guy.

On the podcast, Nick called out “people pleaser” Joey, who he said isn’t doing the dirty work when it comes to sending home women he doesn’t see a future with.

“No one’s been sent home outside of a rose ceremony. There’s been no traumatic exit,” Nick blasted.

He did note that Sydney was sent home outside of a rose ceremony, but that was during a two-on-one date, so it was expected that one got a rose and the other got sent home, as that’s how it’s typically done on those kinds of dates.

“Joey hasn’t sent anyone home outside of the format of the show. … Everyone else has gone home on a rose ceremony,” Nick reiterated, and it’s true. So far, Joey has remained incredibly nice and engaged with every woman he talked to or went on a date with, never once calling one of them out and just telling them they were not the person for him.

Even Gerry had that hard conversation with Nancy on his season of The Golden Bachelor and, up until finale night, he was considered the best and nicest Bachelor star to hit Bachelor Nation.

The Bachelor viewers think producers are forcing drama where there is none

To be fair, Joey’s season of The Bachelor would be really tame, probably downright boring if it wasn’t for the drama between Sydney and Maria that popped up in Episode 2.

Now that Sydney is gone, Lea is the new villain, something that viewers are not entirely happy about, with some calling out production and claiming that Joey is being forced to keep the mean girls and send the nice ones home.

In the latest episode, Joey sent Edwina and Allison home, and many viewers felt that Lea should have gone after she went to Joey with more complaints about Maria.

It’s not clear how much of it is production-driven and editing, but it does seem odd that Lea went from the nice girl who burned her ability to steal a one-on-one to the newest villain that everyone wants to go home.

The Bachelor airs on Mondays at 8/7c on ABC.

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Kathy Hummel
Kathy Hummel
5 months ago

Nobody cares about Nick’s opinion!