
New Big Brother HOH gets a letter from a former player

Julie BB25 DE
Julie Chen Moonves is back and the Big Brother Live Feeds have gone through some changes for Summer 2024. Pic credit: Sonja Flemming/CBS

A new Head of Household is in power on Big Brother 25.

After two people got sent to the jury house during a Double Eviction, the power was back up for grabs.

Matt Klotz became the HOH for the first time this season.

By becoming the HOH, Matt gets a room to himself and a basket of goodies.

In that basket was a letter from a former houseguest. And it wasn’t just any houseguest.

Now Matt has received an added push to become the Big Brother 25 winner.

Matt gets a letter from Reilly Smedley

Reilly Smedley may have friend-zoned Matt while in the Big Brother house, but she is saying all the right words now.

Matt told Reilly that he had feelings for her, but she only thanked him for the sentiment.

“I want you to know how much I believe in you and that myself, your family & friends are SO proud to see you in there,” Reilly told Matt about him getting the HOH Room.

“I also want you to know how much I miss you and wish I could be telling you all of this in person,” she added later in the letter.

But what many Big Brother fans are talking about is what Reilly says later when talking about the Q-Tip shrine Matt made into a heart.

“The feeling is mutual and I can’t wait to see you,” Reilly wrote.

Below is a video from the Big Brother live feeds where Matt reads his letter in front of the other houseguests.

The other final five houseguests seemed very excited for him.

In addition to the letter, Matt got a picture of Reilly and his mom.

Another Big Brother showmance?

Fans can expect a segment on finale night where host Julie Chen Moonves asks Reilly about a possible relationship with Matt.

Will this lead to another showmance developing from the BB25 cast?

Cirie Fields and Bowie Jane chatted about the letter the following morning, with Bowie Jane saying she could see them getting married.

It led to an amusing moment on the feeds, where Bowie Jane asked Cirie if she thought the showmance between Blue Kim and Jared Fields would work out.

More from Big Brother

A bonus eviction episode has been added to the Big Brother schedule.

That extra eviction episode explains how the cast will be down to only three people by finale night.

America Lopez also said she would be a bitter BB25 jury member. Will that still be the case after getting reunited with Cory Wurtenberger?

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday at 10/9, Tuesday at 8/7c, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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8 months ago

“Let’s discuss America Lopez’s performance in the game. It’s clear that she had a different gameplay style compared to some other contestants. She won no competitions. She has a showmance with Cory, who played a key role in helping her navigate the game and floated to whoever was in Power

In general, this season seemed to have a lot of ‘floaters,’ players who adapted their strategies based on the current power dynamics. However, we should acknowledge that there were exceptions like Cameron, Hisam, Jag, and Felica, who won a few competitions but floated for the most part. Matt also managed to secure some wins, but not until he had to, Jag, carried him a lot.

Cerie had a level of fame that gave her an advantage with fanboy and girl, young players, and this contributed to her success in the game, along with her son Jared, who helped her from the other side, making moves to keep her safe and share information, and she did the same for him. She had a knack for manipulating others and leveraging her influence to get people to do her dirty work. In a different season, her fame might have made her an early target due to her perceived threat level.

Cory, on the other hand, recognized his limitations in competitions and used his social game, and manipulation tactics, particularly through his association with Jared, to influence eviction decisions and remove strong competitors.
Izzy was a huge stalker, I mean who could really say they would recognize who a celebrity’s son was, had they not been internet stalking them, that was a really weird fascination she had with Cerie, had she not known that information, she would have not gotten very far in the game.

America, for instance, had a different style of play, which included being emotional at times, but she had someone like Cory looking out for her, she was a huge floater. Personal preferences aside, it’s clear that this season featured a mix of floaters, game players, liars, and manipulators, each contributing to the unique dynamics of the game.” In my opinion, Cameron and Jag were the two best players.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jaycee

I agree that Cameron was a great player and Jag still is! America was definitely a floater. Hope Jag wins it all.