Married At First Sight’s Johnny and Bao Lam started off as the Season 13 golden couple, but recent episodes have made many fans label Johnny’s treatment of his wife Bao as “toxic.”
Fans accuse Johnny of being ‘selfish’
A recent MAFS episode revealed Johnny Lam has “a lot to say” about his wife Bao, and now fans have a lot to say about him.
At first glance, it may have initially seemed like Bao was the problem in her and Johnny’s relationship as Johnny seemed to find a lot of fault with her and asked her to make lots of changes. But many fans are saying that all the “faults” Johnny is finding, are actually more about him than Bao.
Fans took to Twitter following the most recent MAFS episode, labeling Johnny as toxic and saying that he was the reason the relationship was not working.
Fans pointed to Johnny’s near-constant criticisms of Bao, saying he is taking it too far and is coming across as a bully.
But some fans felt like even “bully” wasn’t strong enough and some are going so far as to call him toxic and emotionally abusive.
Johnny’s list of grievances
Johnny and Bao started off at the top of ours, and many others, Season 13 Most Likely to Succeed list. But things quickly went south for the couple as issues began to arise between the newlyweds as early as the honeymoon.
Johnny’s criticism of Bao’s hygiene habits and perceived lack of showering made many fans question if the relationship was going to even make it out of the honeymoon. Johnny himself admitted he was questioning his relationship with Bao at that time.
But there was hope that a change of scenery and a return to normal life might help the couple adjust.
That hope was quickly extinguished as things between the two got even worse upon their return to Houston. Johnny refused to stay at the couple’s shared apartment and subsequently revealed to Pastor Cal and Bao, that her mannerisms turned him off. Johnny said that when she got happy, she resembled a “little kid” and that was unattractive to him.
So for anyone keeping count, we are up to a fairly long list of issues Johnny has with Bao but not many that Bao has with Johnny. Fans took note of this fact and began to feel that Johnny was the real problem. Fans even began calling Johnny “selfish” among other things.
Fans feel Johnny is now just looking for reasons to complain and that his treatment of Bao is at best toxic and at worst emotionally abusive.
With the Married at First Sight Season 13 couples just passing their halfway mark, it is clear fans have made up their minds about what they think of Johnny. But the real question remains, will Bao agree with them?
Married at First Sight airs on Wednesdays at 8/7c on Lifetime.