
Jennifer Duggar shares her love of raising farm animals

Johannah and Jennifer Duggar selfie
Jennifer Duggar wants to breed mini Highland cows. Pic credit: @duggarfam/Instagram

The Duggar family compound could be a working farm in the future if things continue to go how they are.

Jennifer Duggar and her little lamb are frequently present in Joy-Anna Duggar’s vlogs.

She will celebrate her 17th birthday this summer, and she is likely thinking about what she plans to do in the future. The younger Duggar sisters don’t appear in a hurry to get married, as Johannah Duggar still lives at the Big House and hasn’t hinted at a courtship.

Jennifer revealed that she had several lambs and sheep at home during one of her vlog appearances. She had her baby bottle-fed lamb at Joy-Anna’s house and explained that she had just purchased that one.

It’s been common knowledge that Jennifer has been the resident animal whisperer for years. She spent a lot of time playing with animals as a child, and it seems her teen years have brought her into raising farm animals.

If homesteading is the goal for the Duggar compound, the family may be well on their way.

Jennifer Duggar talks about raising ‘outdoor animals’

While participating in the Duggar sister Q&A Joy-Anna Duggar hosted on her vlog, Jennifer Duggar was asked about a hobby.

The sisters joked that they knew what it was, but she was having trouble saying what to say. However, she finally figured out they wanted her to discuss her raising some of the animals at the Duggar compound.

Jennifer revealed she’s tried raising a few things, including chickens, ducks, and turkeys. She has dealt with sheep and revealed that the baby lamb is her first attempt at bottle-feeding, which is why it goes everywhere she does.

There will also be a breeding attempt. Jennifer discussed getting some “micro mini cows” and learning how to breed them.

She also mentioned training them as they follow their person around.

It was distinguished she was talking about mini Highland cows. They have become popular over the last few years, leading to her idea of learning to breed them. Jennifer didn’t say she would do it but wanted to try it.

Jennifer Duggar can raise the animals while Jana Duggar tends to the garden

Interestingly, Jennifer Duggar is experimenting with the animals and considering breeding.

However, it could be what she wants to do in life, and being able to learn her craft now gives her a head start.

Jana Duggar is the one in the family with a green thumb, and she is likely still growing flowers and veggies in her greenhouses and plots. That was a big focus on Counting On, especially when the family came together and built something for her as a surprise.

Hearing about the Duggar compound being turned into a farm or working as a homestead is interesting, mainly because it may have been more fruitful had they begun this when the older siblings were younger.

Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets is currently streaming on Prime Video.

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