
Dr. Viviana admits Alyssa Ellman is disrespecting the Married at First Sight process, defends the experts

Dr. Viviana
Dr. Viviana reacts to the latest episode of Married at First Sight. Pic credit: Lifetime

Dr. Viviana live-tweeted during the latest episode of Married at First Sight and reacted to Alyssa Ellman’s poor behavior during the honeymoon. 

MAFS viewers pressed Dr. Viviana to explain how she and the other experts could have possibly thought Alyssa was ready for marriage and also question why Alyssa hasn’t been kicked off the show after so clearly being uncommitted to the process. 

Dr. Viviana offered up her thoughts on those questions and was met with mixed reviews. 

Dr. Viviana says experts are ‘aware of everything that is happening’ 

On the latest episode of Married at First Sight, Alyssa revealed that she would not feel comfortable moving into an apartment with Chris Collette after the honeymoon and that she felt entitled to living in the apartment on her own so that she could still enjoy the “experience” and hang with her “girls” from the show. 

Alyssa’s outlandish requests led many MAFS viewers to turn to Dr. Viviana and ask why Alyssa wasn’t immediately sent home on the honeymoon. 

Dr. Viviana tweeted her response writing, “In response to your many tweets saying that Alyssa should be ‘kicked off’ or ‘sent home.’ I’d like to see any of you legally force someone to get on a plane and/or separate you from your legal spouse against your wishes.” 

Dr. Viviana also came to the defense of the experts in her tweet that read, “Did y’all hear Pastor Cal? Yes, we are aware of everything that is happening and we are following their marriage closely.” 

Dr. Viviana tweet
Pic credit: @DoctorViviana/Twitter

Dr. Viviana dishes on Alyssa Ellman’s intentions 

Speaking on Alyssa’s intentions, Dr. Viviana expressed a belief that Alyssa had signed up for the experiment with good intentions but did eventually admit that Alyssa has disrespected the MAFS process. 

Dr. Viviana tweeted, “I believe Alyssa went into this with all the good intentions and I THINK, like so many others, she thought ‘Well if it doesn’t work out with us, at least I can meet amazing women and we will join the ranks of all the other #mafsbrides who came before us and make the best of it.’”

Dr. Viviana’s tweet continued, “I actually think that is not the worst way to look at this process. BUT because at this point she is refusing to communicate with her husband, she is refusing to be respectful to him, and she is disrespecting the process that produced many loving families.”

Dr. Viviana tweets
Pic credit: @DoctorViviana/Twitter

Do you agree with Dr. Viviana’s assessment of the situation with Alyssa and Chris?

Married at First Sight airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on Lifetime. 

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2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

bring back married at first sight Australia, a much better show….

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

how can they keep her after on the air she told the producers that she hates him and he is a f—–g a–hole

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

yeah, they need to kick her off the planet

2 years ago

Alyssa is a self righteous melodramatic b***h. She’s absolutely delusional. She’s enough to make me lose interest in MAFS right now!

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Absolutely need to eliminate Alyssa from the show. She offers NOTHING the viewers tune in to see….which are couples trying to make connections and remain married, along with counseling from the experts.

Sarah Q
Sarah Q
7 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

SERIOUSLY! It is absolutely ABSURB to me that Alyssa really thought it was acceptable to stay on the show single, move into the apartment single, just so she could be in a nice space and hang with her buds. Can you imagine them all going on a couples retreat and Alyssa is just tagging along solo? I am sorry but her lack of awareness is frightening. She is both situationally unaware and cannot step out of her extremely selfish POV. I dont think she ever really cared about how the experience was for anyone but herself. MAFS is a show and process about marriage and partnership and she’s whining about “why should you get to go to the apartment and I shouldn’t” (even though Chris was happy to share the space and experience). And also “how about you take the first month and I take the second month?” Its bizarre that she would think that was going to be appropriate. If production let them move in 1 month at a time as solo people, that’d be it for me. You have to draw the line somewhere.

Jackie jackson
Jackie jackson
2 years ago

Dr Vivianna is dead wrong. Are you serious? She doesn’t wanna be there at all? Why let her build a relationship with the girls? This about building a relationship with her spouse. This is bull. You guys are allowing another Paige/Chris drama. I’m disappointed! I’ve watched the show since it’s inception, but I’m about to stop watching. None of the couples are looking for live, they just want to be on TV.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jackie jackson

The process is about marriage and not fame. She is obviously trying to make a mockery of that and shaming Chris who is really trying. Did she violate her contracts? I would let Chris move forward with the other couples and if she doesn’t want to move with him then DIVORCE. Chris deserves to be happy too and not treated horribly like she is doing to him. She is so mean and fake! She has not tried ONCE to try and get along. She put more trust in her “PSYCHIC” and his groomsmen opinions then getting to know him. She made a mockery of his real estate carrer and even said SHE HATES HIM!!!

Bob Ely
Bob Ely
2 years ago
Reply to  Jackie jackson

The other women are NOT going to hang with her because the SEE what kind of a person she is. Lindsey called it straight up at the Bridal party when Alyssa was foo by herself. Seems that that “marriage should simply be ANNULLED. She should be told to pay back all compensation that she has received so far including all room costs, food costs and other stipends. She should be told she is NOT WELCOME on the show anymore. It would be up to HER to find her way back home either that you BUCK UP and follow the rules of the show!

2 years ago
Reply to  Bob Ely

Oh how I totally agree with EVERYTHING you’ve said. I believe she is still there because she don’t want to give back the money. Dr, Vivianna need to stop trying to play both sides of the fence. Alyssa is wrong and her intentions were never pure. She wanted an outer appearance man and not a man with a good heart with love to give.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jackie jackson

I some what agree but not fully. Some of them really do want love but, the actions of one or two of them makes it look like no one is serious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jackie jackson

Agree dr viv being defensive because we see how you “experts” has ruined the concept of this show if you are really interested in the couples staying together go back to letting the couples to just be with their partner, no group dinners, parties and honeymoons. They need this precious time to get to know their partner not making new friends.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jackie jackson

The viewers are not watching to see the train wreck Alyssa is demonstrating. Why do you have to punish Chris for being paired with a narcissist who thinks she’s “a nice person”. What a pile of horse doo-doo. One more episode with her misbehavior and I’m out for good.

2 years ago

She should either follow the rules or show. Or pay for the fun of hanging with the other girls and the apartment. I bet she’ll leave then. Our you thinking of Chris’s feelings.

2 years ago

Send her packing . She’s only there for what she can get and that for sure isn’t a husband. I hate what she’s doing and it spoils the experience for all of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I doubt the other wives could care less about having Alyssa there to hang with them. She is not adding interest in the show, only disgusting behavior. She should be cut out now and let Chris finally retain a bit of dignity away from her abusive language rants!!

Beverly White
Beverly White
2 years ago

I totally agree! Why hasn’t she been fired/dismissed from the show? She wants the benefits the show provided and nothing else! She’s a self centered selfish conceited little person! She doesn’t deserve one more second on the show!

2 years ago
Reply to  Beverly White

I totally agree with her being taken off the show. Chris does not deserve the bull sh.. she is giving him SHE IS FAKE…

2 years ago
Reply to  Beverly White

I totally agree !

2 years ago

Dr. Viviana is trying to spin the narrative. You tell her she’s got to go or she will be responsible for the cost of everything. She clearly has deep issues. You also stop giving her air time. Just splice and dice. Don’t let her get together with the other couples when they’re all together. You simply tell her that she is not adhering to the process so she cannot participate. I’m sure she has a contract but both sides have to perform their part. And as to the comment that she would want to be part of the “girlfriend crew”, that’s BS. That’s not what it’s about.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

She’s not just “disrespecting the process of the show” as Dr Viv has stated, she reneged on her contract. Yes, cut her air time and watch her squeal….the little “princess” only wants the perks, not the marriage.

2 years ago

She already said in the beginning if he had ugly smile and teeth she was not going to be happy. How sad she has based it on that. She also thought he was chubby, She def has a problem and how she treats people!

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Reality is, he can quickly and easily change his smile and waistline, but it will take her years to fix her personality.

2 years ago

At this point I really feel like people who decide to act like this and not take things seriously need to be fined and they should make it known before the process. If you’re the type of person who is so picky about looks then maybe this isn’t the show for you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

SO SO obvious she is turned off by his looks and teeth… she’s so shallow and selfish. She should GO!!!

2 years ago

I do feel that Alyssa should be off the show. She has no interest in being married or being respectful to Chris. She is only it it to get what she wants. She is not following the process and should go.

2 years ago

Personally I believe the girl has some kind of undiagnosed mental illness. From the night when all the girls went out by themselves you could tell something was wrong with her.

Joseph Funaro
Joseph Funaro
2 years ago
Reply to  Lauren

I have been saying this to my wife as we watch the show. Something wrong with this girl.

Jackie Maples
Jackie Maples
2 years ago

From what I can tell not only this site but every single one that has thousands of comments I’m finding it hard to find anyone who defends Alyssa. Pretty much everyone watching is saying the same thing about Alyssa and is in defense of Chris. That is very telling. No one deserves to be mocked on national TV. The season with Chris from Atlanta was bad enough, but this is crazy to have happen again when you have Alyssa outright saying she hates him and tries to portray him as a horrible person. That man has done NOTHING wrong and the lies she spews should not be allowed to happen. If this situation is not fixed by the next showing, then the only way to cure this is to stop watching and let their ratings tank. For the “experts” shame on you. You picked someone you knew would cause drama. I would be hard pressed to believe that during the screening process she didn’t come off as the Narcissistic personality disorder, probably telling you 1000 times about her type. That should have been a clue!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jackie Maples

100% yes ! These experts have psychology backgrounds. If they spend hours interviewing these candidates they would have easily been able to figure out she is at the very least shallow and narcissistic. I have never felt hate for someone on tv before until seeing how Alyssa treated Chris. She doesn’t deserve happiness.

2 years ago

Hard to watch TV. I will tune out until Alyssa is off the show. How about some respect for
Her husband. This needs to end now. Shame on the experts

2 years ago
Reply to  Ira

They should edit her out.

2 years ago

I am so surprised that the experts did not she the type of person she is. This is definitely about the ratings. Those of us that believe in the process you are killing it for us. The show is changing to Jerry Springer. I watched since the beginning and I am very disappointed. But a bet tge experts did not want her on the shoe. The money proline looking at ratings and wanted drama.

2 years ago

Clearly, from the moment of the vows, Alyssa had no intentions of making a deeper connection with her husband. She has been allowed to make her own rules and take away from the show’s intent. She barely interacts with Chris and walks away from every situation, blaming him. She cares more about participating in the experiences, making friends and how she is perceived by viewers then about making a connection to her spouse. Is the show now “Friends at First Sight”? This show needs parameters. Yes, these people signed up for this to record and air their journey with whom the experts believe to be their marital match but let’s be mindful that once the cameras stop rolling, their true lives continue. This is very embarrassing for both Chris and Alyssa but she deserves whatever negativity she receives because of her actions. Chris on the other hand should not have to be ridiculed until the show ends. Her comments and actions are demeaning! She needs to confirm whether she is willing to try and be required to show something different or her air time should be cut and whatever fees she is getting should also be cut because she did not adhere to the requirements. The experts need to intervene and take control over the show and not allow others to dictate the purpose of the show! If this continues, the show is likely to lose viewers and there will be more and more participants who will sign up simply for the trips, friends, apartments, etc.

Kim Tafur
Kim Tafur
2 years ago

First of all she didn’t marry the other women and make new friends. He has the patience of a saint to be treated the way he has been. I remember the first season and Jaimie wasn’t attracted to Doug, but she fell madly in love with him. It does work, she just forgot why she was there. Not fair to Chris.

D Ratis
D Ratis
2 years ago

It is clear Alyssa is narcissistic and dangerously manipulative. She is actually triggering me from my marriage to someone very similar. If I have to co tinue to watch her this will be the only season since its debut I will not watch

2 years ago

Send her home This is married at first site not let’s get new bffs. Horrible person

Not Impressed
Not Impressed
2 years ago

This show is a train wreck. You just got to keep watching to see what happens. But I really don’t believe the “Experts” are all that great. What is the success rate of lasting marriages beyond the show. You can do better so called EXPERTS. With your track record, in real live you would have already been fired from your job! Sometimes I think they match up people knowing they are wrong for each other just for “good TV”. Which really isn’t fair for the poor victim looking for true love!

2 years ago

She broke her contract. So yes, legally you can either send her packing or leave her there!

2 years ago

No, I don’t agree. Alyssa is abusive. That should be grounds for her to be asked to leave. She won’t come out and say she wants a divorce because then she loses her chance to live in the apartment. All the show cares about is the ratings. Imagine if the tables were turned and Chris was treating her the way she treats him?

Risa J
Risa J
2 years ago

After the wedding she said she didn’t like his teeths, she don’t like him, period. She just want to be on tv. Since the first moment she lay eye on him, we could tell that she didn’t like him.

Susan Miller
Susan Miller
2 years ago

She is very rude & disrespectful!! She is only there for herself. She cares nothing about Chris or his feelings !! If she says “I’m a nice person” I am going puke !!

suzanne jenkins
suzanne jenkins
2 years ago

I wish the experts would have taken an active roll from the onset. Alyssa refused to speak to Chris civilly immediately after the wedding. The red flag was her refusing to share the room with him. So they’ve let it go for so long I’m not sure how it can be redeemed. They’ve got a ton of drama for viewers so that’s why it’s difficult to think that some of this wasn’t allowed to unfold on purpose.

2 years ago

She broke her contract!! You made the statement about breaking them apart. I call BS she doesn’t even want to be married to Chris!! Why are you putting him through this??

2 years ago

When she starts talking, I just want to go through the TV! But please don’t blame the experts. If you have ever known a narcissist, you know they are MASTERS of telling people what they want to hear! I’m sure she looked great all throughout the interview process. That’s their specialty.

2 years ago

I think the experts are choosing people who you know from the get go, it’s not going to work. I think they pick some people because the drama they are going to have and it’s good for television.

2 years ago

She keeps saying she is trying. How is she doing that. If I was on the show I would have told her exactly to her face what I think about her. She is rude and only thinks about now being shown as a bad person. Well that is not working. I wish I could call her and tell her how bad she looks. First of all she had bought 10 wedding dresses just in case she did not like any of the ones she could get. Weird. She thinks she is a wonderful person. NOT!

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I had forgotten about the 10 dresses! Yep, that is ridiculous! Don’t you just want to tell Chris to be grateful that this did not work out?! Be glad you didn’t get on that crazy train!

2 years ago

I think Alyssa is fake,and just wanted on tv…
She didn’t even want to stay around Chris right after the wedding…seems like she has to keep reminding herself that she’s a good
She blames Chris fir everything, but yet he’s not been able to speak up on his behalf or anything..
Chris seems like a sweetheart of a guy…and he deserves much better then who they matched him with.
And why does she want to be a part of the mafs experiment, but not want a part of Chris. She wants the apartment, she wants to be on TV. But she wants nothing to do with Chris.
Kick her a** home,and take her off screen..
She’s a witch with a B.

2 years ago

There are times when compassion and understanding should set the tone and direction, but this immature and ungrateful spoiled child needs to have her nasty butt shown the door on this show. In no way shape or form is it EVER ok to blatantly and publicly show the type of bullying she is exhibiting to Chris at this very moment in the show. The writing is on the wall, she is NOT going to change, she is NOT going to look at herself and CHOOSE to accept that she is wrong… NEVER. I hope Chris shows her is back and walks away from her.

2 years ago

It’s all about ratings, they knew she was a better fit for “
Unmatchable”. Wish they go back to the original format, were they actually have a damn.

2 years ago

Alyssa came into the experience with “good intentions”? Her intentions were to find her Prince Charming. The odds of her finding the man of her dreams at the altar were nil, and anything else was unacceptable. The minute she saw Chris she was out. Why did she stay? Why did she say ‘I do’? She was going to be on TV, have a lavish wedding and reception, vacation in Puerto Rico and be set up in an apartment, all expenses paid. She demanded a separate room from the get go, ignored Chris and made absolutely no effort to respect her marriage. Chris, on the other hand was blindsided. While living a nightmare, he maintained his dignity, decency and respect for the experience.
I can only imagine what was left on the cutting room floor when footage was edited. There apparently was no footage of Alyssa being the “good person” that she purported to be. As my father always said, there are only two kinds of good, no good and good for nothing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pat

She needs mental health help. Narcissist! Chris definitely deserves BETTER . PLEASE GET HELP ALYSSA! A good person…doesn’t have to constantly say…im a good person. Actions are what we see. You just wanted all the perks without trying to get to know your husband.

2 years ago

End this sham of a marriage. Chris deserves better than this awful woman. Give him another chance to me someone et

2 years ago

They can tell her to leave, she is not doing MAFS she is doing being single and enjoying all the benefits of the show and they are putting up with her instead of telling her Bye Girl.

2 years ago

There is a saying, if you have to speak about yourself in the first person, you are lying through your teeth!

Rose Obeirne
Rose Obeirne
2 years ago

This is to all the experts. If you all don’t send Alyssa home and allowing her to insult shame and hurt Chris this show will be flushed down the toliet. This type of behavior is unacceptable!!! Thank God Chris is strong enough and confident enough to just walk away and know he is not what she is saying he is. he deserves so much better. Please don’t allow this abusive behavior to go on anymore. It is almost like bullying someone. It has to stop NOW!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Rose Obeirne

You are absolutely right. This is abuse and no one is stopping it.

2 years ago

Paige, and possibly others that don’t readily come to mind, are in therapy because of their abusive treatment on national tv. I’d suggest MAFS take that into consideration before things really get out of hand. These narcissistic personalities leave scars that remain for a lifetime. Chris is being publicly humiliated for ratings? Where’s the empathy?

Alyce Clover
Alyce Clover
2 years ago

If she had been matched with her Ideal dream guy (good looking in her eyes) she may have been different. But, she agreed to participate, get married at first sight, then reneged on the Contract, by refusing to sleep in a room with a stranger. Did she not know that it would be required of her to live with a stranger she was going to marry?

Rather than to tell Chris to give her more time, they needed to tell her, that she is married to him, she needs to act like it. The show is not Make Friends with Other MAFS Brides.

2 years ago

I honestly believe Allysa needs THERAPY!!!
She is not even aware of herself behavior.
Get het son THERAPY, please.

Rebecca Keefe Brown
Rebecca Keefe Brown
2 years ago

It was only in recent years that the show has put the couples together for this experience and to support each other. I thought it was a good idea, until Allysa. Maybe going back to the old way of no contact between the couples for the first part of the season would be a better idea. Then the couples can focus on each other. Allysa needs to go. And I believe that Chris would leave on his own, and not want to stay for an “experience” with his boys!!!

2 years ago

It’s like every season now, these “experts” look for at least one damaged, immature Narcissist to add to the mix for drama and ratings, then justify it like it’s some decent selection for the show. They just can’t be THAT BAD at psych evaluation and screening–people like this aren’t that hard to spot. I think they screen this type of person IN vs screeming them OUT for appropriateness for this kind of “experience”. I miss how it as at the beginning when it really seemed like a social experiment with matches and people that made sense vs the Jerry Springer show it’s turned in to.

2 years ago

I do not agree with her accessment of the situation, Alyssa’s behavior is unexcusable. What’s going to be done about it, that’s the question. It’s not fair to Chris at all.

2 years ago

MAFS: I think there should be something in the terms and stating you can’t just sign up for a 1 wk vaca & 2 mo apt stay (cause if that’s what ur doing more homeless people would sign up).

sharon sandstrom
sharon sandstrom
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Not only had Alyssa been disrespectful to the MAFS process, but what about Chris? He is the real victim here. Poor guy has been so nice to her and has given it his all. She is just a brat who thinks she is God’s gift to mankind. She says she is such a good person, but that remains to be seen. My opinion is that she put in an Academy Award winning process that really snowed the experts into believing she would be great for the show. She is just a joke!!! Kick her off. And give Chris another shot.

2 years ago

God has a better plan for Chris and Allyssa is not a part of the plan.

I do feel like the show is allowing her to disrespect Chris. Chris has been patient and polite the entire time. He went on the show with great intentions and a hugh heart.

Brenda Lee
Brenda Lee
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Allyssa is a JOKE, while always saying she is a good person. Good people don’t treat a spouse the way she is treating Chris. It is so mean, sneaky like, cold and calculated. I don’t completely agree with Dr. Viviana, because she is not treating Chris like he’s her husband, she don’t want to be with him and she even said one time to the producer she hated him, so why can’t you make her leave now and end this nightmare for Chris. Chris is really suffering and he’s at a disadvantage, help him out and you see he’s broken in spirit and heart. ? ? I’m so sick of watching her rudeness, heartless disrespectful ways now and she’s not a good person, no matter how much she tries to convince this narcissistic personality of hers that she is. I just don’t understand how all of the experts got it wrong with her and thought she would make a good spouse for anyone. I see why she’s alone now and will never probably have a healthy relationship with anyone. Please take her off the show and give Chris another chance with someone who is good and willing to try and put in the work for a good healthy relationship and marriage. Alyssa has destroyed his self esteem and he’s so confused about what has he done that’s so wrong that she feels this way about him. Believe me the viewers are a little confused too, because we know she’snot saying what she’s really feeling to protect her image.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brenda Lee

Alyssa needs to be taken off the show and find Chris another wife. She didn’t sign up to be with her girls. These girls were strangers before she met them. She is looking for fame not a husband. She is nasty and irritating. She is not a good person as she keeps telling herself. She is the worst and should never get an opportunity to stay in the apartment with the other couples. It seems as if she is in charge and is dictating the process.Dr. V, Don’t find excuses for her and her rude behavior. It’s not Alyssa’s show.

2 years ago

Alyssa is ruining this whole season! She is a bully to Chris and shouldn’t be allowed to let that happen. I feel bad for him! I It ruins the show for the viewers! I quit watching it for this season! She is not on there to hang out with the girls and all of the other BS she wants! Lyndsey is the only one with guts to stand up to her!

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I agree with others. I’m not sure i can watch another episode of Alyssa’s rotten behavior. From what I’ve seen so far I can’t think of a man on earth that would put up with her. I’m mad that the experts haven’t intervened on Chris’s behalf. He deserves a do over after he divorces her ass.

2 years ago

Not only is she extremely disrespectful to Chris and the show but she is making a joke out of the experts, the crew and all the viewers…her behavior is not why we watch this show! She need so some serious counseling!!!

2 years ago

Alyssa……You are NOT a nice person!!! She needs to go..get her off the show.

2 years ago

No…I do not agree with Dr. Vivian. What Allysa is doing to Chris is a form of abuse. If Chris would have treated Allysa that way he would have surely been thrown off of the show! If she is disrespecting the process then why does get to continue to do so? Nobody wants to continue to see her act like a spoiled 10 year old! It does shed a good light on MAFS.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous1

Don’t agree with Dr. VIVIAN. Alyssa needs to go

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

No I don’t agree. She never had any intention of making it work . She wanted a free ride ,that’s it ..I feel bad for Chris . She is rotten . If they don’t get rid of her ,.not watching it anymore. She is ruining the show .

Aurora Vazquez
Aurora Vazquez
2 years ago

The girl obviously has issues of her own to work on. She needs to be honest with herself and just leave. This guy is not cute enough for her. She’s all about physical attributes and money. The girls do not want to be with her. They are just being respectful and kind. She seems so angry and unhappy all the time. She’s rude, mean and disrespectful!!! Time for you to go home so you could think about all the people you’ve hurt. You took a spot from a person who probably wanted this more than you. You checked out the minute you saw his face!!! Seriously – JUST GO HOME

2 years ago

She should be ashamed of herself. It is disgusting the way she treats him and what she says. She’s getting a free vacation out of this. He should leave . I can’t stand her whiny, disrespectful, entitled behavior. You should persuade her to leave. And he should get an annulment asap. She needs to be called out on her behavior. I hate watching the show because of her.