
David declares he is retiring and moving to Ukraine in 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days Tell-All leak

David is making plans to retire and move to Ukraine
David is moving to Ukraine to be with Lana. Pic credit: TLC

The recently leaked 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days Tell-All may have the head honchos at TLC in a tizzy – but it’s given us lots to discuss.

The newest bit of juicy information we just learned is about David Murphey and his Ukrainian love, Lana.

David has one of the most frustrating storylines in the show’s history.

Over seven years, he carried on a relationship with Lana, whom he met online but had never met in person. David spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the dating website to talk to her online and even tried to meet her in person five times but she kept failing to show up.

In the most recent episode, viewers got the shock of their lives when, after standing David up during several attempted meetings, Lana finally showed up.

David proves Before the 90 Days viewers wrong

While many 90 Day Fiance fans spent the season believing that Lana was not real and that she had been catfishing David for so many years, it turns out that she is a real person. Not only that but they finally met in person and she accepted his proposal.

And even after admitting that he and Lana are not together right now, he still insists that they are engaged. He claims that Lana is just upset because now, she is getting messages from men who accuse her of scamming David and it’s stressing her out.

But when it comes to that green card, David claims Lana never asked him for one and wants to see America before she even commits to moving there.

In the leaked Before the 90 Days Tell All footage, David says, “I have my girl now. I really have her. Everybody that said she wasn’t going to be there to meet me. Not only was she there, but now she’s mine.”

In the Tell-All, hosted by Shaun Robinson, the 60-year-old is put in the hot seat and grilled about his current relationship status with the Ukrainian blonde.

“Right now, I would say we are not together. I’m not going to say we won’t be together in the future. She’s under way too much stress with what’s going on with the show,” David said. “And the people who bother her. I told her that’s part your fault. You can get off.”

David shares his future plans

Robinson also asked the Las Vegas native if he had set a wedding date

“No. of course not. It takes a year or more to get a visa. Government isn’t even open,” he said. “And now there is a ban on immigration.”

Nonetheless, this certainly won’t deter the persistent computer programmer from being with Lana.

Murphey dropped one final bombshell in the Tell-All, saying, “My next step is to move to Ukraine. I’m retiring and moving to the Ukraine.”

Oh, and in case you’re worried that Lana will marry David and run off with his money, he tells Shaun Robinson that he and his supposed fiance have discussed a prenuptial agreement.

Do you believe that Lana and David will actually tie the knot? What a shocker that would be!

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days airs Sundays at 8/7c on TLC.

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Tana Hillman
Tana Hillman
4 years ago

I think David is in for a rude awakening when Lana abruptly decides to break up with him, after he drops a few more K into her bank account. The dating website she works for obviously got nervous and decided to send one of their most popular models to meet David and pretend to be the non existent ‘Lana.’ The website did not want to be exposed to the entire world as being a fraudulent organization, so they ran interference. This particular model’s photo has been used as the profile pic of at least a dozen accounts under different names. It is highly doubtful that she is actually the person that he has been texting for the past seven years. I’m sure they have a staff of employees hired to do that, separate from the models. ‘Lana’ is most likely married with children. She’ll have to come up with a plausible excuse as to why she must break off the engagement with David. I bet she’ll fake a terminal illness.

4 years ago

David when Lana was asked how much money u have given her over the 7 years she wouldn’t respond. R u willing 2 answer?

4 years ago

Lana will break up with David due 2 bad publicity from the show. Remember Lana is very “shy and nervous” David don’t sell your home in the US b4 u move. Rent it since u will b back!

David Riese
David Riese
4 years ago

Hes a ass clown spent over 300 grand on these scamming web sites.Says hes dated over 100 ukraining women and now hes dlusional if he thinks lana is serious bout him being on 5 different dating sites while your engaged is anything but serious.
Now talking about moving there theres a fine line between obsession n stalking