
Big Brother recap: An elimination, a twist ends, and a houseguest gets hurt

Daniel Laughing HOH
Daniel Durston’s dramatic week as Head of Household comes to an end on Big Brother 24. Pic credit: CBS

A new episode of Big Brother aired on Thursday night, and the producers packed a lot of content into the one-hour eviction night.

After a quick recap and then some coverage of alliance shifting (here is a breakdown of the primary alliances), a lot of time was spent on Paloma Aguilar having a hard time living in the Big Brother house.

Daniel Durston (HOH) was then shown coming out of the Diary Room with an announcement. The message he read stated that due to a personal matter, Paloma was leaving the game.

Monte Taylor asked for the houseguests to pause and say a prayer for Paloma, and that’s what the group did as many of them started crying. It certainly caught a few of them completely off-guard.

After a few moments of realizing she was gone, some of the houseguests started pondering what it meant that someone was eliminated from the game before eviction night even arrived.

Julie Chen Moonves then revealed to the television audience that Brittany Hoopes was the winner of America’s Vote. But Julie also stated that Paloma’s exit was going to change everything.

A dramatic night for the Big Brother house

Julie explained that the Backstage Twist was originally going to involve one of the nominees battling against one of the Backstage Pass people in a challenge. The loser of that challenge would then be sent home.

Since Paloma has already been eliminated from the Big Brother 24 cast, Julie announced that the twist had come to an end and that everyone left in the house was going to be safe for the time being.

A new Head of Household Competition

Daniel’s time as the HOH came to an end and Julie revealed that it was time to crown a new HOH.

Julie explained that the Week 2 HOH Competition would involve seven head-to-head races that involved two houseguests at a time. The final seven people would be competing for HOH.

Below is how the races broke down:

  • Race 1: Michael beat Pooch
  • Race 2: Taylor beat Alyssa
  • Race 3: Joseph beat Indy
  • Race 4: Ameerah beat Brittany
  • Race 5: Jasmine beat Terrance (Jasmine stumbled and got hurt after she won. She couldn’t even stand up)
  • Race 6: Kyle beat Turner
  • Race 7: Monte beat Nicole

Seven people advanced to the next round of this Head of Household Competition, which did not take place before the episode came to an end. We will have to wait to learn the winner.

That’s it for the latest Big Brother recap. The show will return with a new episode on Sunday, where the Week 2 nominations for eviction will be revealed. That’s when viewers will also learn who won Head of Household.

We will likely find out on the Big Brother live feeds what the extent of the injury is that Jasmine suffered. She couldn’t put any weight on her leg and will get checked out by the doctors soon.

For anyone who hasn’t seen them yet, the Big Brother 24 swimsuit photos have been released. Everyone in the BB24 house went to the backyard to take part in some enjoyment in the sun.

Big Brother 24 airs Sundays at 8/7c, Wednesdays at 8/7c, and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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