
Big Brother recap: Alliance drama, a target, and a veto chicken

Cameron BB25 Nom
Cameron Hardin has already been nominated for eviction twice on Big Brother 25. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 25 aired a new episode on August 23 focused on the veto results.

Felicia Cannon became the Week 3 Head of Household, and she has loved being in power.

Several members of The Professors alliance wanted to backdoor Hisam, so they pushed ahead.

Cameron Hardin and Jag Bains were told they would be pawns, and Felicia placed them on the block.

From there, the plan was for someone to come off the block and for Hisam to become the replacement nominee.

The narrator hammered home Hisam being in the dark, and he was shown feeling pretty good about his perceived safety.

Big Brother 25, Episode 9 recap

The new episode picked up right after Felicia’s Nomination Ceremony.

Felicia spoke about how her real target was Hisam. She did so during a Diary Room session.

She reiterated how she did not want Hisam to play in the Veto Competition.

Cameron said he was “all good” with being on the block and competing for the Power of Veto.

Jag said, “It sucks to be on the block,” and also spoke about wanting to win the veto.

Hisam was shown exuding confidence (again) about being safe.

Fashion party time and Mecole Hayes

Several of the houseguests played dress-up, and it included having Cory Wurtenberger dressed up all in pink.

Cory said he did it to get along with more houseguests. He said it was part of a strategy.

Mecole Hayes had a segment where she said the rest of the BB25 cast talks too much.

It led to her having solo sessions with the cameras about how people needed to stop crying in the house.

The sessions allowed her to get her feelings out without doing it in front of other houseguests.

A segment also featured Cirie getting frustrated about the Jared and Blue showmance on BB25.

Could the relationship between Blue and Jared lead to problems with alliances later this season?

Veto Competition

Cameron pulled aside Red Utley to warn him about Hasim getting backdoored. Red was caught off guard because his alliance (The Professors) hadn’t told him yet.

The segment was shown where Felicia told Red that the target was Jag.

Red was frustrated about being in the dark but kept that to himself. He and Cameron looked at Hisam going home as good for them.

Felicia chose Izzy Gleicher, Cameron chose Red, and Jag picked Cory’s chip. That became the six people playing for the Power of Veto.

The Veto Competition had the players racing across the backyard to retrieve 12 eggs. The first person to finish would win the Power of Veto.

Jag won the Power of Veto. It meant he could save himself and let Felicia use her plan. He also got a punishment forcing him to dress as a chicken for a week.

Wrapping up Big Brother 25, Episode 9

After Jag won the POV, Hisam was sure Felicia would put Matt Klotz on the block. She did not.

Jag saved himself at the Veto Meeting, and Felicia named Hisam her replacement nominee.

The Big Brother Pressure Cooker returns on August 24. It’s an Endurance Challenge that might get shown on the Big Brother live feeds.

A new final two alliance was also formed on the live feeds, setting up some new scenarios in the game.

Big Brother 25 airs on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

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