
Big Brother 25 spoilers: Veto Meeting details revealed

Julie Chen Face
Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves is back for more action. Pic credit: ©

The Power of Veto winner has partially revealed their plan for Week 7.

These latest Big Brother 25 spoilers come from the live feeds, where many chats have been had over the past 48 hours.

Jared Fields is the current head of Household after he won the Endurance Challenge on the wall.

He immediately made it clear that he wanted Cameron Hardin evicted this week.

To get Cameron backdoored, Jared pushed to keep him out of the Veto Competition.

But Cameron got drawn to play and had a shot at saving his life in the game.

Who won the Power of Veto?

Jag Bains won the Power of Veto. He was one of the extra players who got selected to play in the Veto Competition.

Based on conversations seen on the feeds, Cameron came close to winning again, but Jag was just better this time.

Cameron created a new alliance with Jag while he was HOH. The deal was to ensure each other’s safety. While Jag was on board with doing it then, he may decide to void that deal in favor of something else.

What are the plans for the Veto Meeting?

America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger are on the block. Jared put them there as pawns to get extra help with evicting Cameron.

Jared also seemed content with sacrificing one of them had the nominations remained the same.

Jag has told America and Cory that he will save one of them at the Veto Meeting. This guarantees he will use the Power of Veto, but he wasn’t set on who he would save.

At the Veto Meeting on Monday (September 18), Jag will save Cory or America. It then falls on Jared to name a replacement nominee.

It gets interesting because Cirie Fields tried to quit the game and told Jared he could use her as a replacement nominee.

Jared doesn’t want to lose his mother in the game. Jared would have difficulties winning Big Brother 25 if Cirie gets evicted early.

It has also been revealed that the next evicted houseguest will be sent home. That’s a change in format, with a small jury taking place this time.

Jared plans to name Cameron as his replacement nominee. As it stands, Cameron is going to get evicted on Thursday night (September 21).

Some integral episodes are coming up on the CBS schedule, including a Double Eviction.

Here is the updated BB25 episode schedule. It includes the new Tuesday night episodes as Survivor 45 takes over Wednesdays.

Big Brother 25 airs on CBS.

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