
Big Brother 25 spoilers: Jared Fields reveals his secret

Jared Playing BB25
Jared Fields was part of a twist with Cirie Fields (his mom) on Big Brother 25. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 25 spoilers come from the overnight hours on the live fields.

Jared Fields revealed his big secret to Blue Kim, possibly impacting the game. It all went down as they were seen cuddling on the live feeds.

The added twist is that Jared may have thrown someone else under the bus.

As Big Brother fans know, Jared is playing the game with his mother.

During the season premiere, it was revealed that Cirie Fields (Jared’s mom) was also part of the BB25 cast.

And she had the advantage of not competing in the challenges that decided the first Head of Household.

What did Jared tell Blue on the Big Brother live fields?

The video below gives a small taste of the conversation between Jared and Blue.

He revealed to her that his mom was in the house. But Blue didn’t completely believe the story she was told.

And to make things interesting, the conversation made it seem like Blue believes Felicia Cannon is Jared’s mom.

Felicia has been in the dark about the relationship between Jared and Cirie. So this whole maneuver could blow up in their faces.

Izzy Gleicher was the only one who had verbally confirmed she knew about the secret relationship.

More from Jared and Blue on Big Brother 25

Additional Big Brother 25 spoilers were revealed on Saturday.

The Week 4 Veto Competition was played by the houseguests, with Red Utley securing the Power of Veto.

The nominees for eviction are Jag Bains and Blue, with one of them likely going home at the August 31 Eviction Ceremony.

Cirie was seen talking about sending Blue home on the live feeds, which is a decision that would anger Jared.

And now Blue has a secret that she could use to her benefit in the game.

In the video below, Cirie talks about keeping Jag in the house. Cirie can also convince Felicia and Izzy to vote with her.

What will Blue do with this Big Brother information?

Blue has ammunition to use in the game. It’s valuable information if she feels vulnerable this week.

But does Blue even believe what she was told? Sunday (August 27) could provide memorable moments on the Big Brother live feeds as she contemplates what Jared told her.

The secret power in the BB25 America’s Vote will also impact people.

Many BB25 cast members were up late on Saturday (August 26) so they could begin Sunday in a state of lethargy.

Big Brother 25 airs on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

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