
Big Brother 25 live feeds: Cirie and Jared Fields continue personal attacks behind Bowie Jane’s back

Cirie on BB25
The Traitors winner Cirie Fields also appeared on Survivor and Big Brother. Pic credit: CBS

Many Big Brother fans have picked up on the personal attacks that Jared Fields, Cirie Fields, and Felicia Cannon continue to make about Bowie Jane.

If it’s not Felicia calling Bowie Jane a “b***h” or Cirie making fun of her teeth, it’s Jared lashing out after getting caught in another lie.

The worst part is that most of these personal attacks are behind her back, but this trio prefers to hide in the shadows.

Thank goodness someone in production is there to push the button and take down the feeds when the trio begins to go too far. Again.

Such was the case on Friday (September 22), when the trio got mad about Bowie Jane entering a room with Jared in it and saying, “Hello, ladies.”

That was too far for Jared, who routinely enters rooms with women in them and calls them “guys” this season. When he isn’t calling women “bro” during most conversations, that is.

Ladies and gentlemen on Big Brother live feeds

Below is a video clip of the conversation from Friday after Bowie Jane entered the bedroom.

It also featured a portion of Cirie claiming Bowie Jane would run and tell people about their rudeness, only for it to be Jared who ran to Blue Kim to report the chat.

Making fun of Bowie Jane isn’t something new for this trio. It used to take place with Izzy Gleicher in the room, where they would pick at Bowie Jane’s clothing, mannerisms, rhythm, and job.

Bowie Jane and Blue Kim are also often the targets of gaslighting attempts by the trio. Some Big Brother fans might call gaslighting part of the game, but it is taking an emotional toll on these ladies.

And then there was the time Jared used the R-word to attack America Lopez. It led to the Special Olympics speaking about what Jared said.

More from Big Brother 25

Battle Back Competition results were also revealed on the live feeds.

Cameron Hardin and Jared Fields were battling for a chance to return to the game.

Most people who battle their way back into the game get quickly evicted again. Will that change with the BB25 cast?

Also, the television schedule has changed at CBS with the arrival of Survivor 45.

Here is the updated BB25 TV schedule from the network.

And for fans who didn’t see his full exit interviews, Red Utley called BB25 “rigged” for Cirie Fields to win.

Big Brother 25 airs on CBS.

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7 months ago

kick them out