
Big Brother 24 spoilers: The final three has been revealed

Taylor Hale smiling on BB24
Taylor Hale won Big Brother 2022. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 24 spoilers from the live feeds reveal that the final three houseguests have been decided.

Even though we are still a few days from the official Eviction Ceremony, the lines have been drawn, and the big decisions have been made.

Right after Alyssa Snider got evicted from the Big Brother house, Taylor Hale became the new Head of Household.

With the power in her hands, Taylor nominated Brittany Hoopes and Matt Turner for eviction. This made the road ahead much easier for Monte Taylor.

At the Veto Competition, everyone got to play, with all four houseguests knowing how important it would be to emerge with a victory. When Monte won the Power of Veto, he secured his own spot in the final three.

This left Turner and Brittany on the block with no further recourse other than to convince Monte not to vote them out of the game.

Who are the Big Brother 24 final three houseguests?

Monte is going to vote out Brittany, preferring to take Turner with him to the final three. Brittany has become pretty bitter about the way things have played out, but she likely should have expected this outcome after Michael was sent to the BB24 jury house.

The final three houseguests on Big Brother 24 will be Monte, Taylor, and Turner.

The BB24 jury gets to vote on a winner very soon

Turner, Monte, and Taylor will soon begin playing out the final Head of Household Competition of the season. It is three parts, ending with a final two that will make their case to the BB24 jury about why they should win the $750,000 prize.

On the remaining schedule of Big Brother 24 episodes, finale night arrives on Sunday, September 25. That will be a two-hour event where Daniel Durston, Ameerah Jones, Nicole Layog, and Pooch return to the stage, along with the BB24 jury, to talk with Julie Chen Moonves.

A lot of filler content has been filmed on the Big Brother live feeds for the upcoming episodes, so there is also a lot for the producers to present to the fans over the next few days.

What will be most interesting is to see how the BB24 jury reacts to Michael’s arrival and how this group of people decides on the ultimate winner. There are some Big Brother rumors out there about some jury drama that could make for good television.

Big Brother 24 airs on CBS during Summer 2022.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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Damon Hing
Damon Hing
2 years ago

Monte is such a big idiot. Hope Turner wins since Monte is a big dummy (In Fred Sanford’s voice). ?????

2 years ago
Reply to  Damon Hing

SO right. Monte has always believed the crap the women of BB24 handed him

2 years ago
Reply to  Damon Hing

With ya – Monte is a big dummy – But I think it will be Taylor for the win !!!!

2 years ago

I don’t want any of them to win. This is, by far, the worst season EVER! The wokeness is sickening and I am done with this show. They fix the results by doing comps for certain individuals to do well in. It’s become so obvious and makes the whole show a bad joke. ??????????????????????????????????????

2 years ago
Reply to  Deb

100% agree – it started out good – had some hope after last year. But, yes – I believe I am also done with Big Brother.

2 years ago
Reply to  jk91922

Me too bad enough. No more BB for me!!!!

2 years ago

Last season the winner was obnoxious conceded in a really bad personality this year the winter’s gonna be probably the 1 with just no personality whatsoever Monty The last 2 years have not been good they need to do a better job screening people you know to find out if they mental problems, also I agree the comps are not random.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

the last two years do seem to have a high percentage of mentally unstable folks to start with. The experience is hard on a person because nobody has a true allegiance to anyone.