Big Brother 2020 spoilers have come from the late-night feeds to the house. It took a while for the feeds to come back after the eviction episode, but they finally turned on at just after 10 p.m. PT / 1 a.m. ET.
Big Brother 2 winner Dr. Will Kirby was on hand for the Head of Household Competition, where he revealed that there was going to be the chance for power or prizes. We didn’t get to see what took place, though, as the producers taped it all for the September 27 episode.
Having Will as the new neighbor could be interesting to watch, but the Triple Eviction taking place next week might be even more exciting. To get to that point, we needed a new HOH and the two people who are going to be placed on the block this week.
Who won the HOH on Big Brother last night?
Cody Calafiore is the new Head of Household. This is going to be the second time that he has been the HOH during the summer 2020 season and he will soon get to name two people as nominees for eviction.
It might already be pretty easy to predict who he is going to nominate for eviction. Unless something shocking happens, and that’s certainly always possible with this game, Cody will likely nominate Kevin Campbell and David Alexander for eviction.
It would have been more interesting to see what could have happened had either Kevin or David finally won an HOH Competition, but we will have to settle for another week where The Committee is running the house.
Hopefully, no producers or wall-yellers reveal the secret about the Triple Eviction coming up next week, as it would make for some great television if nobody knows what’s about to happen. Some of them suspect a Double Eviction, but having a third person go to the BB22 jury on the same night could be fun too.
OTEV this weekend
Host Julie Chen Moonves already told us that the Veto Competition is going to involved OTEV. The BB22 cast will play for the Power of Veto on Saturday, with Kevin and David likely knowing how important it is to bank a POV for their personal resumes.
Maybe Cody will surprise us all and take a shot at Daniele Donato this week? A big game move like that might be too much to hope for at this point.
While we wait to find out who Cody Calafiore has officially nominated, did you know that James Huling from BB17 and BB18 is running for mayor? The results of that election will be interesting to watch.
Stay tuned folks, because a lot of Big Brother 2020 spoilers will be coming out over the next few days, but it will all stem from Cody having control of the HOH Room again.
Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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