Below Deck Mediterranean alum Alex Radcliff reveals that a chance encounter with João Franco led to his Season 5 stint on the Bravo show.
João appeared on Seasons 3 and 4 of Below Deck Med. Since his time on the Bravo show, João has kept a relatively low profile. The bosun remains working on the yachting world, which is how João met Alex and convinced the latter to apply for Below Deck Mediterranean.
One night, Alex and João’s paths crossed randomly. Their meeting changed Alex’s life forever.
Alex Radcliffe reveals chance encounter with João Franco led to his stint Below Deck Mediterranean
The Below Deck community is small, so it’s no surprise when several of them become friends. People-person Alex has formed a slew of bonds from the yachting franchise.
During a recent interview with It’s Always Something podcast, Alex revealed how he decided to apply for Below Deck Med, and it’s all because of João. They ended up at the same party, but Alex had no idea who João was or that he was a reality TV star.
“So me and him at the same time are walking to the cooler to get a beer and we start talking to each other. He asked me what boat I’m on. And I’m like, ‘You?’ He goes, ‘Oh, I’m on Below Deck.’ I’m like, ‘Cool, but what boat are you are now?'” Alex shared.
They ended up hanging out all night, chatting and drinking. The next day Alex received a DM from João.
“He finds me on Instagram the next day and was like, ‘Dude, so much fun last night. Like, you’re a wild man. I would love to send your information out to Bravo.’ I’m like, ‘OK, sure, that’s fine,'” Alex explained.
João sent Alex’s information, and a week later, the Boston native had an interview with production. The rest, as they say, is history.
Alex pays it forward with Below Deck Season 9 chief stew Heather Chase
A couple of years later, Alex had the opportunity to pay what João did forward by helping another yachtie friend get cast on Below Deck.
When Below Deck Season 9 premiered, Alex revealed his friendship with new chief stew Heather Chase. Alex was the one who encouraged Heather to apply for the yachting show.
Heather’s friend Kaylee Milligan joined the My Seanna crew mid-season, replacing Season 9 stew, Jessica Albert. Kaylee shared some behind-the-scenes moments as the season came to an end. Alex commented on one of Kaylee’s Instagram posts, revealing he is also friends with her.
Alex Radcliffe from Below Deck Med is a likable guy. João Franco saw that and helped him get cast on the show.
Below Deck Mediterranean is currently on hiatus on Bravo.