
Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham give update on baby girl twin after they had to leave her in NICU

Instagram selfie of Lauren and Arie
Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnahm visit their twin baby girl whom they had to leave behind at the hospital. Pic credit: @laurenluyendyk/Instagram

The Bachelor stars Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham reassure fans that their twin baby girl is recovering after they had to leave the hospital without her.

Arie updated concerned fans on their baby girl’s state on his Instagram story after they returned to the hospital to visit her.

“Poor baby girl, she needed oxygen but is doing much better now,” Luyendyk wrote on Wednesday.

However, the couple still isn’t sure when they’ll be able to bring their baby girl home with them.

“It’s kind of day to day, to be honest,” Arie continued. “They don’t really know if she’ll come home tomorrow or the next day, or if she needs even more time.”

He also shared pictures of the newborn girl reunited with her twin brother after spending the night apart.

Fortunately, it appears the parents are getting closer to being able to take their baby girl home along with her twin brother and big sister Alessi.

Arie Luyendyk Jr. update on baby girl.
Pic credit: @ariejr/Instagram

Why Lauren and Ari’s baby girl was held at the hospital

Lauren Burnham gave birth to twin babies, a boy and a girl, on Friday, June 11.

While their baby boy only had to spend a few hours in NICU, their baby girl suffered from a lack of oxygen and needed respiratory support. Worrying about the state of their newborn daughter certainly took a toll on the parents.

On Monday, they uploaded a vlog to give fans a chance to meet the twins. They also explained their baby girl’s condition.

“Some babies need it for a couple days. Just depends,” they said of the nurse’s explanation of the respiratory support their daughter was receiving. “When the doctor comes back over and if she’s still needing respiratory support for a few more hours, she might get a chest X-ray just to see a better picture of what’s going on.”

Lauren revealed the following day that her baby girl would have to stay in NICU to continue receiving the respiratory support.

“Little sis has to stay behind for now,” Lauren wrote on her Instagram story on Tuesday. “I’ve never felt heartbreak like this. Pls say prayers for our girl.”

Even though she is having breathing issues, the parents were sure to let fans know she was healthy otherwise.

Arie and Lauren post first pictures of twins

Arie and Lauren both separately shared an identical picture of Lauren and her twin babies.

Lauren simply captioned the post with the babies’ birth date.

Meanwhile, Arie wrote a heartfelt message commending the strength of his wife in the post’s caption.

“Never been prouder of my wife than in this moment. She is the strongest woman I know and I’m lucky to be on this incredible journey with her. We are proud parents of a healthy boy and girl!” He exclaimed.

Hopefully, Arie and Lauren will soon be able to celebrate their baby girl’s release from the hospital and their family will be reunited once again.

The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8/7c on ABC.

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