
Let’s Make a Deal hits the streets as announcer Jonathan Mangum gives random people money

jonathan mangum face shot from lets make a deal on cbs
Jonathan Mangum appears in Let’s Make a Deal. Pic credit: CBS

Let’s Make a Deal took their game show to the streets, stopping random people to participate in various games on the spot.

The show, hosted by Wayne Brady, is known for asking contestants to choose between potential deals.

Games might include choosing one of three doors or deciding between a mystery box and another prize.

There’s also a component where the host asks contestants if they have a particular object in their purse or bag.

Announcer Jonathan Mangum brought that and other games to the street, where individuals could win cash on the spot.

The clip also seemed to be a hit with Let’s Make a Deal fans, and many demanded more from the show.

Random people won cash from LMAD while out and about

In a humorous and fun video clip, Let’s Make a Deal ventured out on the streets of Burbank, California. In a trademark suit, the show’s announcer, Jonathan, stopped random people and asked them to name their favorite game show.

Most didn’t say LMAD, instead giving answers like The Price Is Right or Family Feud. Finally, Jonathan whispered to one woman, “Let’s Make a Deal,” so she could respond correctly.

People were stumped when asked who the host of Let’s Make a Deal is, although one man came close with his guess of “Will Brady.”

Jonathan also asked people if they recognized him, but only a few seemed to, despite his appearances on Whose Line Is It Anyways?, LMAD, and other shows.

Once the formalities were over, it was time to play some games. Jonathan asked one woman if she had nail clippers in her purse, and although she claimed she did, she didn’t have her purse with her on the spot.

In another game, Jonathan had a word on a card, such as “helicopter,” and a person had to make a sound effect. The person they were with had to try to guess what word was on the card, but unfortunately, some contestants missed the mark.

Not everyone lost in the games, though, as the video clip revealed more than a few winners. A couple was able to produce Wet Wipes from the backpack they had with them.

Another couple correctly guessed how many jellybeans Jonathan had inside a jar within 20.

Couples who won the games were handed $50 on the spot, a sweet, unexpected prize they weren’t expecting when they went out for the day in Burbank.

LMAD fans react with demand for more

Fans loved seeing Jonathan and Let’s Make a Deal in the streets as they reacted in the comment section.

“This is genius,” one fan commented, while another said, “Yes!! Please do more of these!!!”

Other fans called it “Awesome” and “hilarious” to see Jonathan joking around and having fun with random people in Burbank.

instagram comments for lets make a deal in streets of burbank
Pic credit: @letsmakeadealcbs/Instagram

Many fans also demanded that Jonathan bring the LMAD street version to their areas.

“Need To Come to NYC,” a fan wrote, while others suggested Maryland and Utah.

lets make a deal fans share thoughts in instagram comments about game in streets
Pic credit: @letsmakeadealcbs/Instagram

Let’s Make a Deal typically airs weekdays ahead of The Price Is Right. The latter recently unveiled “at night” episodes of the game show, and LMAD will do the same. Starting Wednesday, August 7, there will be Let’s Make a Deal Primetime on CBS.

Regarding the street edition, it’s unclear if Jonathan and the game show will venture beyond Burbank or California. Still, it would definitely be fun for fans to participate and possibly win some cash on the spot!

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