
Did Christie use her secret power on Big Brother 21?

Christie And Analyse On BB21
Christie Murphy and Analyse Talavera on Big Brother 21. Pic credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

Christie Murphy won a Big Brother secret power this season. It earned her the ability to shake up the final nominees for a week.

By winning the Panic Power, Christie got a version of the Diamond Power of Veto. Her power lets her save a nominee from the block and allow the Power of Veto winner to choose a replacement.

With two of her alliance members nominated for eviction this week, Christie was faced with a difficult decision. Should she use her secret power to affect the nominations? Or could she trust a tentative alliance she made with Head of Household Cliff Hogg?

Who won the Power of Veto?

Some prevalent spoilers became available on the CBS live feeds that showed who won the Power of Veto this week. It was Jackson Michie that won the POV, giving him the ability to take himself off the block. It meant that Christie could then give Jackson her power so that they could choose who goes on the block next.

Did Christie use her Big Brother power?

A deadline on Monday was set by production for Christie to decide if she was going to use her power this week. She had to let them know if she was going to turn Jackson’s Veto into a Diamond Power of Veto and completely shake up the nominees that Cliff had decided upon.

Christie did not end up using her power this week. It means she retains it for another week, allowing her to use it as a bargaining chip for a bit longer.

Big Brother 21 airs CBS episodes on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday night.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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