Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds late Monday evening showcased Tommy Bracco making an official final three deal to survive. It was a move partly made out of desperation, but it could also help him in the game.
It was on the Sunday night episode when CBS viewers found out that Tommy was on the block. Jackson Michie had won the Head of Household and nominated Tommy and Cliff Hogg for eviction. It was an interesting episode.
What wasn’t shown was that the Veto Competition took place on Saturday. Nicole Anthony won the POV and Monday she used it to save Cliff. Jackson then placed Holly Allen on the block.
The final nominees for the week are Tommy and Holly, which is why the two members of the BB21 cast are ready to make deals to save themselves. That’s a big chance for Cliff and Nicole, as they are the only voters on Thursday night.
— hamsterwatch (@hamsterwatch) September 9, 2019
Big Brother spoilers: What deal did Tommy just make?
Tommy sat down for a really long conversation with Nicole and Cliff on Monday night. They went over all the possibilities that could take place over the next few weeks of the show.
This was where Tommy also made his pitch and promised the world to Nicole and Cliff. He stated that he would throw the next HOH Competition and that if he wins the POV he will use it to get Jackson evicted.
As for what he wants in exchange for doing all that, Tommy simply wants Nicole and Cliff to vote out Holly on Thursday night. It would break up the showmance of Jackson and Holly, giving this new trio a real shot at winning.
Cliff joined for hammock pizza, and Tommy presented his pitch he'd given to Nicole earlier, that he'd throw the HOH comp if they keep him pic.twitter.com/Vjzfd8BCH4
— hamsterwatch (@hamsterwatch) September 10, 2019
Fans are debating Tommy’s move all over social media. Is he being honest in his approach to working with Nicole and Cliff? Earlier in this week of the game, Tommy told Holly and Jackson his secret. It appeared to be an attempt to work with that duo. It’s a good backup plan, but the showmance doesn’t hold any power this week.
There are still more than 48 hours until the Eviction Ceremony that will send someone else to join the BB21 jury. That gives Nicole and Cliff a lot of time to finalize their decision. The live feeds will provide even more Big Brother spoilers when that takes place. But the debate among fans will continue. Should Nicole and Cliff save Tommy or Holly?
Big Brother has new CBS episodes each Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday night.
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