
Big Brother spoilers: Season 21, Episode 4 recap includes Power of Veto

Kemi Faknule On Big Brother Live Feeds
Kemi Faknule is part of the Big Brother 21 cast for summer 2019 season. Pic credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

Big Brother spoilers from the Season 21, Episode 4 recap of the show will help catch CBS viewers up to the live feed subscribers. A lot of information has been coming out on the CBS live feeds that the television audience hasn’t seen yet.

This article will serve as live coverage of the July 2 episode. There is a lot of ground to cover in the episode, which should set the stage for the first live Eviction Ceremony of the season. Fans can follow along as the episode progresses.

Make sure to refresh this page for live updates as the show airs tonight.

A quick Big Brother recap

During the last episode, Head of Household Christie Murphy hosted the first Nomination Ceremony of the summer 2019 season. That is where she nominated Kathryn Dunn and Cliff Hogg III for eviction.

Ovi Kabir also won the first Whacktivity Competition of the summer. It gave Ovi a secret power that he can use to alter the HOH nominations later this summer.

Big Brother 21 start time

The July 2 episode of the show begins at 8/7c on CBS. It’s one hour in length and will set the stage for the Eviction Ceremony on Wednesday night (July 3).

Remember to follow along, as this live recap coverage will relay everything that takes place during Big Brother Season 21, Episode 4.

Big Brother recap: Season 21, Episode 4

The episode began with a long recap of what had already taken place, including Christie telling both Kathryn and Cliff that they were pawns. It also addressed how people had pretended to be in an alliance with Ovi to make him feel safe after he figured out an eight-person alliance existed in the house.

It was then time to see the Diary Room reactions by Christie, Kathryn, and Cliff that were recorded after the Nomination Ceremony. Kathryn and Cliff each addressed how they didn’t enjoy being pawns. Ovi spoke about how pleased he was that his new alliance was going well for him.

Jackson and Kat showmance

The beginning of a relationship between Kathryn and Jackson Michie was shown. It included a lot of hanging out together and a late night session in bed together. They joked with the cameras about it not being a showmance.

Power of Veto Competition

Christie drew Sam Smith to play for the Power of Veto. Cliff got to choose someone and he went with Jack Matthews. Kathryn then drew Nicole Anthony during her turn.

The doorbell rang and Kaycee Clark, who won Big Brother 20, was there to host the Veto Competition.

Food was dropped from the sky in the backyard and shot at them through a cannon, with houseguests getting points for each item that they caught during the challenge.

It was a tough challenge, but Sam Smith won the Power of Veto.

Veto Ceremony and plans

Jack Matthews pushed hard to get Christie to use Kemi Faknule as a replacement nominee. He even said that he needed to do it to keep her word. Christie didn’t want to nominate Kemi, though, because she liked her. In a Diary Room session, she even stated that she hoped Sam just wouldn’t use the Golden Power of Veto.

When Sam met with Christie, she let it slip that she was in a group that was trying to pressure her to put Kemi on the block. Sam suggested Jack as a replacement nominee at first, as he also had nothing against Kemi. Then the idea surfaced about Ovi.

At the Veto Ceremony, Sam used the Power of Veto to save Cliff. Christie then placed Ovi on the block in his place.

That brings an end to the Big Brother recap for Season 21, Episode 4. At the upcoming Eviction Ceremony, the BB21 cast will vote to evict either Kathryn Dunn or Ovi Kabir.

For readers who want to check out what has been taking place on the CBS live feeds, the insults toward one houseguest had her husband responding on social media.

Big Brother currently airs episodes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday nights.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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