
Big Brother Season 21, Episode 19 recap: Kat and Holly know each other?

Analyse And Kathryn On BB21
Analyse Talavera and Kathryn Dunn chatting during Big Brother 21. Pic credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

Big Brother Season 21, Episode 19 aired on Wednesday night. The August 7 episode of the show primarily dealt with the Veto Competition and whether or not Christie Murphy could use her secret power.

During the last episode, Jessica Milagros won the Head of Household Competition. She then made a bold move and nominated Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie for eviction.

In regard to the Panic Power that Christie still had her possession, it gave her the ability to award the POV winner an upgrade. The POV winner could then save someone and choose a replacement nominee.

To start the new episode, Diary Room sessions were shown, with one including Holly Allen stating that she knew Kathryn Dunn. It was an interesting edit, but she may have just been referring to when she was accused of knowing her.

Either way, it has social media buzzing and the ladies are linked thanks to Michie.

Picking players for the Veto Competition

Jessica got her choice and went with Kathryn Dunn. Jack also got his choice and he picked Tommy Bracco. Michie then chose Nick Maccarone to round out the group.

Veto Competition

This was the reward and punishment Veto Competition. Each round would eliminate someone, with that person getting a prize. Each eliminated houseguest after that could then choose to keep their prize or swap with someone from before them.

Kat was out first and got the Golden Power of Veto. Jack went out next and took the POV. Kat then got a Hawaii vacation.

Tommy was out third and got an Angry Alien prize. It meant an alien would be following him around the house for 24 hours. Tommy took the POV, landing Jack with the Angry Alien.

Jackson went out fourth and got a BB Explorer costume. He traded it with Tommy to get the POV.

Nick went out fifth and got a $5,000 prize. He kept that one to himself.

Jessica won the competition and got a punishment of being slimed for 24 hours in the house. She traded it with Michie and secured the Power of Veto.

By Jessica winning the POV, it also meant that Christie’s power had come to an end because she didn’t want to risk being put up on the block during its final week of use.

Here are some images from the live feeds showing off the punishments.

Veto Ceremony time

Jessica hosted the Veto Ceremony and kept the nominees the same. This means that the BB21 cast will vote on Thursday night (August 8) to evict either Jackson Michie or Jack Matthews.

That brings an end to the Big Brother Season 21, Episode 19 recap. The next episode will reveal the Eviction Ceremony, which dictates the first member of the BB21 jury.

Don’t forget that there is still time to place votes for the Big Brother Field Trip.

Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

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