
Big Brother recap: Season 21, Episode 12 from July 21

Julie Chen Camp Comeback
Julie Chen is hosting Big Brother 21, and it has an interesting theme. Pic credit: Sonja Flemming/CBS

The July 21 Big Brother recap covers Season 21, Episode 12 of the show. There was a lot to cover in the house, including who won the Head of Household Competition and who got nominated for eviction.

During Episode 11, the house voted to evict Cliff Hogg. He was evicted by a vote of 6-4 over Nicole Anthony. Cliff then won the Camp Comeback Challenge, putting him right back in the house.

Cliff was pretty excited that he had been evicted and worked himself back into the game so quickly. It echoed the sentiment that many fans had to feel while watching it play out.

July 21 Big Brother recap: Season 21, Episode 12

The opening segment of Episode 13 covered all of those moments, including Kathryn Dunn feeling bad that David Alexander, Kemi Fakunle, and Ovi Kabir were now gone from the game.

Meanwhile, Nick Maccarone was shown getting upset that the house turned on him, with Isabella Wang chiming in that people were treating her unfairly. It had to be an amusing segment for any Nicole fan to watch.

Head of Household Competition

While Nick watched, everyone else played for the HOH powers. The houseguests had to watch videos and answer questions based on them. Each round would eliminate people until only one person remained in the competition.

The final two people in the competition were Cliff and Jack, making it really interesting. Cliff Hogg won the HOH Competition. It continued his success from that night, as this challenge took place a few hours after the Camp Competition Challenge back on Thursday night.

A tenuous alliance

Cliff worked at putting together an alliance of outcasts, even though he stated in a Diary Room session that he wasn’t sure he could trust any of them. The people Cliff was speaking with were Jessica Milagros, Nicole Anthony, and Kathryn Dunn.

In order to try and save herself or manipulate what Cliff chose to do with nominations, Christie Murphy told him about her secret power. She holds a version of the Diamond Power of Veto that could be used to shake things up at a future Veto Ceremony.

Who got nominated for eviction on Big Brother?

After holding meetings with nearly everyone in the house, Cliff was ready to reveal his decisions about the nominees.

Cliff nominated Jackson Michie and Jack Matthews for eviction.

That brings an end to the July 21 Big Brother recap for Season 21, Episode 12. The next episode will be on Wednesday night when the POV winner is revealed.

Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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