
Big Brother Field Trip Vote: Who do fans want to see leave house?

Jackson Michie On BB21
Jackson Michie during interview for Big Brother 21 season. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother Field Trip Vote is something that might really shake up the game. Especially if fans succeed in choosing the three houseguests that many of them want to see leave the house.

At the end of the last episode, host Julie Chen Moonves stated that the next BB21 twist is on the way. Following the end of the Camp Comeback twist, now there is going to be a field trip that affects three of the houseguests.

“You’ll get to impact the game America, by sending three houseguests on a field trip. A trip that will put one houseguest’s game on the line.”

The quote above is what Julie said to CBS viewers. But she didn’t go into detail about what it might involve.

Who do fans want on the Big Brother Field Trip?

Many social media users have been posting that they want to see Jackson Michie, Jack Matthews, and Christie Murphy sent on this field trip.

It would take them away from the game and maybe impact what happens in the house.


Though the Six Shooters alliance (which also includes Holly Allen, Analyse Talavera, and Tommy Bracco) is controlling the game, not a lot of viewers have been rooting for them.

A lot of bullying accusations have been leveled by fans, making that alliance difficult to cheer on.

If one of their personal games was directly impacted by the first America’s Vote installment of the summer, it could make a lot of CBS viewers pretty happy.

When does the Big Brother Field Trip Vote start?

The question about when fans get to start voting hasn’t been answered by Julie Chen or the producers, yet. They haven’t even revealed where the houseguests will go, when it might happen, and why it could hurt one player.

At least it’s easy to guess that the CBS site for the show will be the place where people go to vote. That’s how it has been done in the past, with everyone getting a chance to vote on how the twist will play out.

It might not be until Wednesday (July 31) or Thursday (August 1) when the voting officially begins. Julie Chen will be back for the August 1 episode, but they could use a narrator to close out the July 28 or July 31 episodes as well.

Stay tuned fans, because the Big Brother Field Trip Vote will definitely give America a chance to change the game.

Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

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