Angela and Tony from Love After Lockup appeared during Season 1 of the show. Viewers followed her as she shared her life with the world while her boyfriend was still behind bars. The two were unable to reunite by the end of the first season and Love After Lockup viewers were left wondering what happened.
Season 2 of Love After Lockup only has one episode left. The season finale is two hours long and should answer many of the questions viewers have. Angela and Tony were supposed to be part of the second season alongside Scott and Lizzie from Season 1.
What happened to Angela and Tony?
There have been 13 episodes since Season 2 began at the end of 2018. Angela and Tony’s story has been missing the entire time. Love After Lockup viewers have been wondering where they are and what is happening between them.
During the first couple of episodes, there wasn’t too much alarm about the lack of screen time for Angela and Tony on Love After Lockup. Some of the stories have a lot of background and drama and that sells more. Now that it has been weeks, it seems something must have happened.
The ironic part of all of this is that Angela did the Love After Lockup press tour with Marcelino. They appeared on Doctor Oz together to help promote the show. If she wasn’t going to appear on Season 2, why was she on the press circuit?
Where is Angela?
Social media is a place where several of the Love After Lockup cast members go to share updates and photos of their lives. Viewing their various accounts usually helps to piece together what is going on, but with Angela, that isn’t the case.
Her Instagram has been dead since January. On Twitter, Angela did comment that she was not sure when her story would air, but that it would be coming. What does that even mean? Is Tony still locked up for something?
I’m not certain
In when we will be back on… but definitely coming soon. Thanks for following..— Angela (@mykingalways) February 18, 2019
Love After Lockup viewers are disappointed with the lack of knowledge regarding where Tony and Angela went. They were advertised as being a part of Season 2 and that just wasn’t the case.
Season 3 of Love After Lockup was confirmed, though it is supposed to be filled with new couples. Will Angela and Tony pop up on the next season?
Love After Lockup airs Friday nights at 9/8c on WEtv.