
Landon Clements talks Cameran Eubanks’ Southern Charm exit

Southern Charm is currently airing Season 8, and only a select few original cast members remain on the show. While Landon Clements didn’t pop up until Season 2, she made waves during her time on the hit Bravo show. Cameran Eubanks is missed among viewers, though. She was an original cast member and left following


Landon Clements confirms Kathryn Dennis played a role in her Southern Charm exit

Southern Charm viewers may wonder what happened to Landon Clements. She was part of the cast from Season 2 until her exit following Season 4. At best, Landon and Kathryn Dennis had a contentious relationship, and it became too much drama for the brunette. Landon Clements confirms she exited Southern Charm because of Kathryn Dennis